doublebindOn Monday 11 February 2013, I will be speaking at the Centre for Secular Space launch of its first publication, Double Bind: the Muslim Right, the Anglo-American Left, and Universal Human Rights.

The event will be at 7pm at Toynbee Hall in East London.

Other speakers include Meredith Tax, Gita Sahgal, and Ansar Ahmed Ullah.

For more information or to register, contact:

UPDATE: I became really ill before the meeting and couldn’t go. Fariborz Pooya went in my place. He said it was an excellent meeting. Sorry I missed it. I’ll be posting my speech soon.



  1. “Thousands of people have similar or perfectly identical IP addresses depending on which service provider they use and which area they are connected in. You computer has a unique address on the network you are connected to which is not your IP address. Your IP address is actually that of your internet service provider. If your internet traffic goes through the same exchange then you will have the same IP address.”

  2. Maryam , you should be ashamed of yourself giving any credence to what the gay nutcases say or write about anybody. They are crazy people. You say you believe in science and rationality, then you take all their hysteria and garbage at face value?
    I was in the police and the things I found homosexuals doing in toilet cubicles, in the park or in the back alley ways were so ree-volting you would hardly believe it. There are no words to describe how filthy and utterly degraded they are. Half of them were shooting up when they did it too. Homophobic that’s a laugh. Those people are sewers! You reject the culture you were born into (a culture that let a woman be elected head of state in Pakistan and in Turkey) yet you are quick to accept any rubbish from the dregs of the West.

  3. You sound totally mixed-up. In love with?
    Just find me one left-wing newspaper or website that dares to report this example of islamists in Manchester calling for the DEATH penalty for homosexuals:-
    And they are doing it publicly, and probably getting subsidized as a “minority culture”. The socialist and liberal parties are so desperate for the muslim vote they will grovel to anything.
    Yet you naively believe everything the left-wing gutter press prints about christians being “homophobic” on the grounds of…what? Vague unproven allegations, obscure remarks?
    Let’s face it, all this hysteria about homophobics, islamophobics, transphobics, aerobics, is bullshit. The real problem is that the liberals and left are confused and pandering to opposite ideologies that can never be consistent.

  4. Well Maryam this article

    calls your own views “bizarre” and “loopy” concluding “The publication of Enemies Not Allies has at least offered an opportunity to expose the irrationality and hypocrisy of this poisonous little gang of pseudo-leftists.” Meaning you!!!

    And here is an article in which you yourself write “Islamophobia is not racism in anyway, shape or form no matter how many powers that be say it is. Only phobias against people because of their race are racism (like xenophobia).”

    You seem a bit mixed up.

    1. Actually if you’re not in love with the far-Right Islamist movement my position isn’t mixed up at all. You can be anti-racism, pro-citizenship rights and equality for all including Muslims, and still think that a criticism of Islam and Islamism are not racism because one is an ideology/religion and the other a political movement. It’s nothing short of scaremongering to equate a criticism of Islam and Islamism with racism, particularly since criticism is all many people have as a way of challenging this movement and religion’s encroachment in people’s lives. Of course Islamophobia Watch doesn’t understand this because it is allied with the Islamic movement and can’t make a distinction between Islam, Islamism and Muslims.

  5. I got into an argument with a friend-of-a-friend on Facebook last week, who insisted that Islamophobia was a form of racism (and who seemed to be happy to categorise all criticism of Islam as Islamophobia). While I’m not sure if he was just trolling (he did end up calling me a racist, a moron and a ‘honky’, but his initial post, that Richard Dawkins was guilty of racism because he suggested that Christianity was a less harmful religion than Islam, was not prompted by anything I said), I’m going to buy this book and then recommend it to him if it’s sufficiently cogent. I know from reading your site that such people exist, but still it was weird to meet one face to facebook, so to speak.

    1. You are right. Your friend is wrong. Criticizing the texts, beliefs or tradition of Islam is not racist because it has nothing to do with skin colour. Criticizing Christianity is considered acceptable in left-wing circles and criticizing Islam is often not. Yet both religions come from the same part of the world.

      1. Yes but that doesn’t mean that racism doesn’t exist or that racists don’t use Islam to promote their anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim agenda. Also racists are not just white – they come in all shades as I have often argued. Julia, I am talking to you in particular here. There are quite a few reports about your homophobic and other views. Here is just one of them.

        1. Julia, I always find it funny how racists and supporters of far-Right organisations remember I am a communist when I oppose their views. Prior to that you were quite happy to support the One Law for All campaign until I exposed your politics. Of course you and your friends are quite free to call me what you like. That is called free expression. Unlike you, I won’t be emailing you with threats of taking you to court. This is politics after all. If you can’t take the heat, get out.

          Here’s the email you sent me: “If you do not delete your offensive comment and the link now I will consider suing you for libel in the county court. You have associated my name with racism and that could cost you a lot of money in compensation.”

          Also, if you want to talk about honesty, why not stand behind your own views? You have been commenting both as J. Gasper and Tom Poffat (it’s the same IP address). Why hide behind other names?

          Rather then blame the “conspiratorial” media for exposing your views, defend your position, so people know who they are dealing with. It would be more honest – at the very least. And threats or no threats, I’ll say it again. Your politics are racist and homophobic. Here’s one of your own blog posts where you liken Muslims to Nazis: On the issue of homophobia, here’s the link to an article I posted earlier: It’s ironic how your type mentions the persecution of gay people under Islamic laws to show your warped opposition to sharia when your hatred of gay people would do any Islamist proud. And you think hate crime is nonsense: Please!! This is why I am opposed to the racist and far-Right position on Islam and Sharia. It is inhuman, anti-Muslim and anti-human beings. It is no different from the Islamist perspective and places collective blame on countless human beings, many of them dissenting.

          For those who are reading this and have not followed earlier posts, below is my “offensive” comment on yours: “Yes but that doesn’t mean that racism doesn’t exist or that racists don’t use Islam to promote their anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim agenda. Also racists are not just white – they come in all shades as I have often argued. Julia, I am talking to you in particular here. There are quite a few reports about your homophobic and other views. Here is just one of them.”

          1. What do you mean “exposed my politics”? Why do you imagine that I or other people have ever tried to hide their politics? Yes I belong to a conservative party and I am proud of it. We laugh at being judged by the genocidal communists.
            Let’s face it., you have no concept of intelligent discussion. Your level of debate is to announce on Twitter “Religion is stupid shit”.
            Yes that is what you published as the title to an article.
            There are people who give you awards for that level of understanding. I wouldn’t! It only convinces me that you are stupid yourself and so do all your other wild accusations. No wonder there are so many people calling you nasty names on the internet, all over the place. Very nasty. Here is one article that actually calls you “deranged”:-

            Frankly I now agree with them. You are deranged. The accusations you are making about me are not just offensive – they are looney.

          2. No clearly YOUR politics are racist and mixed up because you keep attacking Islam, then insisting that other people who criticize terrorist attacks must be “racist”. You use racist as a term of abuse for anybody who is not a communist!
            Let’s face it, you are not the brightest bulb in the cupboard. Your idea of intellectual discussion os to write on Twitter “Religion is stupid shit”. Then you used that as the title of an article. Some people give you awards for such a level of debate. I wouldn’t!
            You are hopelessly confused and you make wild accusations. You also believe all sorts of twaddle from the tabloid press. Yes what you say is offensive and it is also so incoherent I am inclined to agree with this article
            calls you “deranged”:-


            You have made so many accusations about me that I now think you are a bit looney.

          3. And here is an example of you Maryam exposing yourself as racist and homophobic, by comparing Islam to Nazism. Here you are making a full-blown attack on what you call Islamofascism:-

            And you have said the same thing in public many times.

            So if what you say is true you are condemning yourself as a homophobic racist !!!
            You really are the most confused and absurd person. Nobody can take you seriously.

          4. From time to time I hear this:”Doesn’t the way some people are pointing to Muslims as a threat remind you of the way that Jews were treated in the 1930s?”
            No. It reminds me of the way that Nazis were being treated in the 1930s. In the pre-war era, the obvious signs of a rising threat were being pointed out by perspicacious observers such as Churchill, and ignored by those who preferred to pursue a line of cowardly appeasement.

            When the US ambassador in Libya was murdered last month by Arab Spring fanatics, I was staggered to hear the President of the USA issue what amounted to a public apology for “offending Muslim sensibilities”. Apparently being offended by a film gives Muslims the right to commit outright homicide on an innocent person and his colleagues in the embassy.
            And the EU’s Lady Ashton issued a joint statement with the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Countries apologizing to Muslims who were offended by the film. I would like to dissociate myself completely from this statement, which amounted to a retreat from the democratic principles of free speech and freedom of conscience.

            Last week forty-six Christians in Nigeria were massacred by Boko Haram extremists. Boko Haram are another apt-to-be-offended Muslim group enraged by the fact that the authorities had a week earlier rounded up some of their ring-leaders and placed them under arrest.
            Most of the murdered Christians were students living in a hostel. They were shot or stabbed to death, then the nearby church was burnt down.

            Meanwhile in Pakistan, a girl was shot for saying that she believed in education for women. A mob has been going around setting fire to Christian churches and destroying ancient Buddhist temples in protest against the American film “Innocence of Muslims” whose supposed insults to their religion they could not even understand. Of course, it is just a pretext for doing more openly what they do surreptitiously most of the time.

            And in Egypt, where the Islamic extremists have now taken over the government, Christians are being targetted for ethnic cleansing. Actually this is nothing new. For the past 60 years the Muslim majority in Egypt has driven out first the Jewish citizens and then more gradually the Christians. It is estimated that 4 million Copts have been victimized and pushed out by this regime that complains very loudly about displaced Palestinians.
            Now the Egyptian government is using the film “Innocence of Muslims” as a pretext to speed up its persecution campaign. Eye-witnesses report, “Violence against Christians occurs every day, and the state usually takes the side of the Muslim murderers.” Atheists and those who advocate a secular society are fellow-victims, being spied on and imprisoned for their views.

            Of course if you don’t mind being slaughtered and ethnically cleansed, then this won’t bother you at all.

            >> And here is the case of a Christian pastor in Uganda who had acid thrown in his face by Muslim attackers as he left Church on Christmas Eve. Umar Mulinde’s face was wrecked the flesh hanging off the bone. His crime? Leaving Islam.

            >>Here is an account by a young Frenchwoman of life in a suburb near Paris in 2012. She has reported the problems to the police who say they dare not interfere because they are being intimidated:-

            Churchill, when trying to alert Parliament to the threat of Nazism, in 1938, said:
            “I foresee and foretell that the policy of submission will carry with it restrictions upon the freedom of speech and debate in Parliament, on public platforms, and discussions in the Press, for it will be said – indeed, I hear it said sometimes now – that we cannot allow the Nazi system of dictatorship to be criticised by ordinary common English politicians. And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year, unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”

        2. I am proud to expose ALL my political views fully so I copying here the full text of the article you mention. I am proud of writing every word of it. Note that all of it protests against the murder or attempted murder of black and Asian people, which is what you call “racist”.
          You are terrible thick, Maryam!

          >>>From time to time I hear this:”Doesn’t the way some people are pointing to Muslims as a threat remind you of the way that Jews were treated in the 1930s?”
          No. It reminds me of the way that Nazis were being treated in the 1930s. In the pre-war era, the obvious signs of a rising threat were being pointed out by perspicacious observers such as Churchill, and ignored by those who preferred to pursue a line of cowardly appeasement.

          When the US ambassador in Libya was murdered last month by Arab Spring fanatics, I was staggered to hear the President of the USA issue what amounted to a public apology for “offending Muslim sensibilities”. Apparently being offended by a film gives Muslims the right to commit outright homicide on an innocent person and his colleagues in the embassy.
          And the EU’s Lady Ashton issued a joint statement with the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Countries apologizing to Muslims who were offended by the film. I would like to dissociate myself completely from this statement, which amounted to a retreat from the democratic principles of free speech and freedom of conscience.

          Last week forty-six Christians in Nigeria were massacred by Boko Haram extremists. Boko Haram are another apt-to-be-offended Muslim group enraged by the fact that the authorities had a week earlier rounded up some of their ring-leaders and placed them under arrest.
          Most of the murdered Christians were students living in a hostel. They were shot or stabbed to death, then the nearby church was burnt down.

          Meanwhile in Pakistan, a girl was shot for saying that she believed in education for women. A mob has been going around setting fire to Christian churches and destroying ancient Buddhist temples in protest against the American film “Innocence of Muslims” whose supposed insults to their religion they could not even understand. Of course, it is just a pretext for doing more openly what they do surreptitiously most of the time.

          And in Egypt, where the Islamic extremists have now taken over the government, Christians are being targetted for ethnic cleansing. Actually this is nothing new. For the past 60 years the Muslim majority in Egypt has driven out first the Jewish citizens and then more gradually the Christians. It is estimated that 4 million Copts have been victimized and pushed out by this regime that complains very loudly about displaced Palestinians.
          Now the Egyptian government is using the film “Innocence of Muslims” as a pretext to speed up its persecution campaign. Eye-witnesses report, “Violence against Christians occurs every day, and the state usually takes the side of the Muslim murderers.” Atheists and those who advocate a secular society are fellow-victims, being spied on and imprisoned for their views.

          Of course if you don’t mind being slaughtered and ethnically cleansed, then this won’t bother you at all.

          >> And here is the case of a Christian pastor in Uganda who had acid thrown in his face by Muslim attackers as he left Church on Christmas Eve. Umar Mulinde’s face was wrecked the flesh hanging off the bone. His crime? Leaving Islam.

          >>Here is an account by a young Frenchwoman of life in a suburb near Paris in 2012. She has reported the problems to the police who say they dare not interfere because they are being intimidated:-

          Churchill, when trying to alert Parliament to the threat of Nazism, in 1938, said:
          “I foresee and foretell that the policy of submission will carry with it restrictions upon the freedom of speech and debate in Parliament, on public platforms, and discussions in the Press, for it will be said – indeed, I hear it said sometimes now – that we cannot allow the Nazi system of dictatorship to be criticised by ordinary common English politicians. And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year, unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”

          1. I certainly cannot see anything racist about this article. It protests about black people killing black people. But I bet that Namazie won’t apologize. She is a stubborn bitch!
            She writes all sorts of dubious stuff.

  6. You must keep up your good work. Only today I was in London and talking to somebody(an old lady) about a young woman she met locally. Originally they got talking because they use the same bus stop. The young woman said that she had just moved to that area and would like to make new friends. When they had known each other for a few weeks, she confided that she had moved to London from another town where her Muslim family had been trying to force her into an arranged marriage. She just wants to work and be independent for a while. She has had to move address several times because her brothers always manage to track her down. Now she has a boyfriend, a non-muslim, and fears the family finding out. She should not have to live in fear like this.

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