27 December saw one of the most critical days following the June / July protests in Iran. It supposedly was meant to be a day of religious mourning in Iran. It was to be the day that the most reactionary Islamist groups who use such ceremonies to impose the darkest of the dark on the people of Iran. It was meant to the moment that the government of Ahmadinejad and Khamanei reasserts itself and shows that they are still in charge following last months’ protests in November in Universities all over Iran.
The Islamic regime and its security forces had been preparing for this and had arrested nearly all of the known political activists beforehand in many cities.
However this day was turned into an anti-government protest that saw people from all walks of life confront police, security forces and members of the baseeji militia groups with their bare hands and calling for end to the Islamic regime in Iran. The protest took place in many cities such as Arak, Mashhad, Babol, Esfahan and many parts of Tehran, including East and South East. The protest and street fights continued until early hours of Monday 28th December and declared an end to the Islamic Ashura in Iran.
Many parts of Tehran were in control of people for hours; it began at around 11.00 am and the first round of confrontation was under the College Bridge that saw people brave tear gas, and bullets, daggers of the Islamists thugs and clashes with the security forces. On many occasions groups of the hated security forces were surrounded and beaten up. Police station in Vali Asr was burnt to the ground and many Baseeji headquarters were attacked. Later in the evening the Islamic News Agency headquarters were surrounded by the protesters and shootings were reported.
Yesterday left more than 15 people dead and hundreds injured. The government agencies have hidden the bodies of possibly more people to prevent identification and follow up demonstrations that will ensue. Thousands have been arrested in Tehran and many cities. Many wounded have forcefully been removed from hospitals and taken to Islamic guards own Sadoughi hospital.
One thing is clear that the end of this regime is near and the brutal Islamic regime is taking its last gasp and will not be able to drive the anger of 30 years of suppression back. People have waited 30 years for this moment and will not let the Islamic murderers get away this time.
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