Maryam Namazie’s activities during 2009-2010:
The below are Maryam Namazie’s speaking engagements and media interviews during 2009-2010:
Maryam Namazie interviewed on Sharia arbitration in Britain on BBC The World, 15 March 2010:
Maryam quoted in an article in the Guardian called Fears over non-Muslim’s use of Islamic law to resolve disputes, The Guardian, 14 March 2010:
On Monday, March 8, 2010, Maryam spoke at a seminar organised by the One Law for All Campaign on Sharia law to mark International Women’s Day. The seminar discussed problems surrounding Sharia and provided recommendations on prohibiting it here in Britain. A working group is to be set up to amend legislation to ban the courts. The seminar took place at Conway Hall in London.
Maryam quoted in article called Scots Lawyers lead way with Sharia advice, Sunday Herald Scotland, 7 March 2010:
On 6 March 2010, Maryam Namazie spoke at an event organised by Iran Solidarity UK in Trafalgar Square, Northern Terrace, London to mark International Women’s Day.
Maryam Namazie’s interview on International Women’s Day and situation in Iran on New Jersey USA’s progressive radio on 1 March:
Maryam was interviewed on BBC Oxford on February 25, 2010:
On 25 February 2010, Maryam spoke at Lincoln College in Oxford for ‘Think Week’ on Ethics and Freedom and how Sharia law violates it.
On February 11, 2010 Maryam is interviewed on February protests in Iran:
On 11 February 2010, Maryam spoke at a rally at the Islamic regime of Iran’s embassy in London.
On 10 February 2010, Maryam spoke about the situation in Iran at a Human Rights Festival at Kingston University in Kingston-upon-Thames.
Maryam Namazie quoted in article on Sharia law in the Express, 7 February 2010:
Maryam’s article on Sharia law was published in the Independent World on February 1, 2010:
Maryam Namazie’s debate on banning the burka, Ireland’s Newstalk Radio, 31 January 2010:
On January 28, 2010, Maryam spoke at a fundraising dinner for the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and One Law for All. Keynote Speaker at the event was well known humanist AC Grayling.
On 26 January 2010, Maryam debated the conflict between many of the world’s most followed religious doctrines, the place of women, and equality in society at the University College Dublin Law Society.
On 25 January, 2010, Maryam spoke at a meeting organised by SW London Humanist Group in Richmond on ‘Sharia versus Human Rights.’
On November 27, 2009 Maryam spoke at a conference entitled: A voice from voiceless women in Malmo, Sweden.
Maryam Namazie on BBC Radio 4 on Sharia Law and 21 November rally, 22 November 2009:
On 21 November 2009, Maryam organised and spoke at a rally in Hyde Park with many other speakers. The rally was against Sharia law and in defence of universal rights and secularism. It was also in solidarity with people living under Islamic rule. Simultaneous acts of solidarity and support for the rally and its aims took place in over 20 countries worldwide, including Australia , Austria , Belgium , Canada , Denmark , France, Germany , Hungary , Israel , Kenya , Nigeria , Serbia and Montenegro and Sweden. Winners of the campaign’s first art competition exposing the discriminatory nature of religious law and promoting freedom and equal rights was announced.
Maryam’s interview with the Secular Humanist League of Brazil, November 11, 2009:
Maryam Namazie’s chapter published in a book called 50 Voices of Disbelief: Why we are Atheists:
BBC Our World, Interview with Maryam Namazie on Sharia law, October 2009:
On July 13, 2009 Maryam launched Iran Solidarity at the House of Lords in London. Other speakers included Fariborz Pooya, Peter Tatchell, AC Grayling and Lord Dick Taverne.
On July 15, 2009, Maryam spoke at an event organised by Lancashire Secular Humanists
On the One Law for All campaign.
BBC Woman’s Hour interview on the burka with Maryam Namazie, July 2009:
Easy Living Magazine writes about Maryam Namazie and her campaigning work, July 2009:
On June 21, 2009, Maryam spoke about the One Law for All campaign at an event organised by Essex Humanists.
On 21 May 2009, Maryam spoke about One Law for All at Oxford Town Hall at a meeting organised by Oxford Humanists.
On 17 April 2009, Maryam spoke about Islam, Human Rights and Homophobia at a talk sponsored by the Gay And Lesbian Humanist Association.
During April 4-5, 2009, Maryam spoke at the International Conference on Secularism, in Paris, France on a panel on the centrality of the struggle for women’s rights.
One law for all activist speaks at UofT, The Strand, Canada March 29, 2009:
On March 14, 2009 Maryam spoke at a panel discussion on Political Islam, Sharia and Women’s Rights in Toronto, Canada. Other speakers were Tarek Fatah (Founder of Muslim Canadian Congress and Author of “Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State,” Justin Trottier (Executive Director of Center for Inquiry, Ontario) and Issam Shukri (Head of the Organization for the Defense of Secularism and Civil Rights in Iraq).
On March 24, 2009, Maryam spoke on Political Islam and Women’s Rights at a meeting held at the University of Victoria in Victoria, Canada.
On March 20, 2009, Maryam Namazie gave a presentation on Political Islam, Sharia and Women’s Rights at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
On March 16, 2009, Maryam spoke on Freedom of Expression and Political Islam at an event organised by Centre for Inquiry in Toronto, Canada.
One Law for All, National Post, Canada, March 12, 2009:
On sharia law in Britain, French TV, March 11, 2009:
On March 7, 2009, Maryam organised and spoke at a seminar entitled Sharia Law, Sexual Apartheid and Women’s Rights at Conway Hall. Other speakers included Sargul Ahmad (International Campaign against Civil Law in Kurdistan Iraq Head), Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (Journalist and British Muslims for Secular Democracy Chair), Naser Khader (Democratic Muslims Founder), Gina Khan (One Law for All Spokesperson), Kenan Malik (Writer and Broadcaster), Yasaman Atasheen (One Law for All Legal Coordinator), Fariborz Pooya (Iranian Secular Society Chair), and Carla Revere (Lawyers’ Secular Society Chair).
Prior to the seminar she spoke at a rally in London’s Trafalgar Square with others.
Hundreds expected at anti-Sharia demo in London, The Times, March 6, 2009:
Maryam joins debate on whether Islam is intolerant, BBC’s Question time, February 2009:
Maryam Namazie gives Another Thought for the Day for February 18, 2009 entitled: We had to flee to escape Sharia on The Guardian’s Comment is Free site:
This is a series of podcasts offering a secular alternative to the BBC Today programme’s Thought for the Day, in association with the Humanist Society of Scotland: You can see the transcript of the podcast here:
Maryam Namazie on One Law for All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain, BBC Leicester, January 15, 2009:
On January 14, 2009, Maryam spoke at a meeting organised by the National Union of Teachers in opposition to faith schools in Leicester.
Maryam Namazie on One Law for All, Trouw, Netherlands, 11 December 2008:
Maryam Namazie, One Law For All Campaign Organiser for the UK campaign against Sharia law, talking on Women’s Hour on Radio 4, Wednesday 10th December 2008:
Maryam Namazie debating Faizal Aqtab Siddiqi (Hijaz College Islamic University) on BBC 5Live Breakfast Show with Nicky Campbell, Wednesday 10th Dec 2008:
On December 10, 2008 Maryam launched the One Law for All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain at the House of Lords in London.
Women on Women, The Observer, December 7, 2008:
Novelist Helen Walsh says her living female icon is ‘Iranian activist Maryam Namazie.’.
Q&A: ‘Divinely Ordained Law Makes Abolition More Difficult,’ interview with Maryam Namazie, IPS, 2 December 2008:
On 22 November, 2008, Maryam spoke on Political Islam and Free Expression at a panel discussion in Stockholm, Sweden with Lars Vilks, Mina Ahadi, Rebecca Hybbinette, Jens Ganman, Afsaneh Vadhat, and Ellis Wohlner in Sweden.
Free Speech Threatened, BBC, Maryam mentioned in article, 10 November 2008:
On October 24, 2008 Maryam attended the Emma Humphreys Award Ceremony for which she was one of the nominees.
For more information:
Maryam Namazie
BM Box 6754
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
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