Hassan Radwan just sent this warning: ‘Invites to an event called ‘Gift from Pak Falcons’ is being sent around to many Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain members.

Pak Falcons are HACKERS trying to hack CEMB’s website. DO NOT ACCEPT/LIKE/JOIN and be on guard.’

I am not sure the hackers realise that we will still be ex-Muslims and atheists even if they hack the CEMB’s site!? Someone should tell the poor things…

For those who want some background on this, I reported on why they are ‘offended’ here. Though please take note, trust me, it doesn’t take much to offend Islamists. Just try living in this century and you’ll see what I mean.



  1. i dont know why people can not understand the simple fact that religion and beleif system is made by man, and then these beleivers teach their childrens to accept their forefather’s religion . God is just an invention of mind .thats why we have so many Gods and beleifs in our world .

  2. What you think by making a post on your blog? Its a shit on you baby! I’m alive. We’re alive. Pak Falcons are alive. You think you would be save after being Ex-Muslim? If yes, then it is your mistake. And, We’re going to correct it. You shits..

      1. “Correct” as in “correct with extreme prejudice”, perhaps?
        Do you have any rational argument to criticise peole who decide islam isn’t true?

    1. Yeah, I agree. We shouldn’t have even given you much importance. Anyways, by looking at your age, I can see a future Ex-muslim in the making.

      Meanwhile read your own quran and ask your god why does he think that it is completely moral to have sex with slaves.

  3. We should congratulate the Pak Falcons on confirming any prejudice one might have against muslims. They make life sooo easy for the likes of Geert Wilders and the BNP.

    1. Yes but please don’t blame Muslims; they are Islamists. It’s the difference between an American and Teabagger or a German and a Nazi. Or a regular Christian versus the Christian Right.

      1. Oh, I don’t blame muslims; I realise as well as you do there’s a difference. But I’ve never heard Wilders use the term ‘islamist’.

        1. Yes that’s because Wilders’ politics is anti-Muslims and anti-Immigrant. Here’s a good critique we did of his film Fitna if you are interested.

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