Dear friend

For the past six years, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) has been a “beacon of hope” for many.

As the first organisation of its kind, the CEMB has been established to break the taboo that comes with leaving Islam; highlight the problems ex-Muslims face; provide a network for support; raise awareness; and campaign for freedom of belief and expression, atheism and secularism and against apostasy and Sharia laws. According to Elle Quebec magazine, the launch of the ex-Muslim movement was ‘a real revolution.’

Our activities include assisting ex-Muslims (several thousand over the past 6 years) with their apostate asylum cases, finding safe houses and refuges for those fearful for their lives, as well as assisting against child abduction, honour crimes, forced marriages and more from countries including Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Maldives, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, and UAE.

We have produced several educational materials, such as the ‘Guidelines for Ex-Muslims and Frontline Practitioners’ and ‘Apostasy and Asylum in the United Kingdom.’ The CEMB is currently working on an anthology on and by ex-Muslims and a report on the status of apostates internationally.

Our active web forum with over 3,000 members is particularly important in supporting ex-Muslims. It represents a safe space where ex-Muslims can come together to discuss their problems and help each other. The forum includes sections on health and wellbeing and gender and sexuality, a parents’ corner, a resource centre and more. It is known for exposing Islamists and Islamic laws, and publishes articles and videos debunking Islamic myths and claims, including “science in the Quran”.

CEMB is part of an international network of ex-Muslim organisations, including Muslimish in the USA, a Council in Morocco – the first in a country with Islam as its state religion, new groups in France and New Zealand, amongst others.

Help us to continue our important work: volunteer your skills; ‘Like’ our Facebook page; follow our Twitter account @CEMB_forum; join our events; and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Please donate if you can. No amount is too small and every bit helps.

As you well know, the issue of apostasy without a focus on Islam is irrelevant in this era as it is only Islam that kills its apostates due to Islamism’s access and influence. The CEMB is an important challenge to this regressive movement.

Support us today.

Thank you.

Maryam Namazie
Nahla Mahmoud


1. Launch of Council of Ex-Muslims of France

Join us for the launch of the Council of Ex-Muslims of France on Saturday 6 July 2013, 14.00-17.00 hours, Paris, France. Speakers include Palestinian blogger Waleed Al-Husseini, Tunisian Filmmaker Nadia El-Fani, Secularism is a Women’s Issue Coordinator Marieme Helie Lucas, and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s Maryam Namazie.

PLEASE NOTE: You must register for the event at If you are not registered, you will not be permitted entry. Space is limited.

2. Anthology of and by Ex-Muslims

Be part of the very first anthology of and by ex-Muslims. Share your story with the world. Help others like you. Tell the world you exist! 31 July 2013 is the deadline for submissions. Find out more here.

3. Report on 6th anniversary lunch of CEMB

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) held a successful 6th anniversary celebration luncheon in London on 15 June 2013. Guests heard from writer Kenan Malik, Centre for Secular Space Director Gita Sahgal, comedian Kate Smurthwaite, and CEMB co-Spokesperson Maryam Namazie. Magician Neil Edwards also performed. CEMB co-Spokesperson Nahla Mahmoud was Master of Ceremonies. Special guests present included Richard Dawkins. See videos of the event here.

4. For more information, contact:

Maryam Namazie
Nahla Mahmoud
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
BM Box 1919, London WC1N 3XX, UK
tel: +44 (0) 7719166731

Company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales under company number 8059509.



  1. “Launch of Council of Ex-Muslims of France”

    That is a really great development, as it the Moroccan Council.

  2. All religions are myths and akin to fascism and one should create one single forum for the right to be Religion Free, the freedom of myths, of beliefs. Just checked the tweets and many go from the frying pan into the fire , by leaving one organized religion into another, indicating the problem is not the Religion, but the stupid and ignorant People needing to believe in some stupid man made myths..It is no more than the same thing in our Society of consumption, where the belief is created that one cannot absolutely live without a certain product! What a load of poppycock. Human animals are inherently stupid and flawed and could not possibly have been created by a higher intelligence!

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