A study published online in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology revealed that religious believers distrust atheists more than any other religious groups, gays and feminists (and you know how much they hate them). The only other group they distrust as much are rapists!!?

Atheists on the other hand were indifferent to people’s religious beliefs and did not have the same antagonism towards believers. Rather than saying anything about atheists, the study says loads about the religious and their bigotry. But then that’s nothing new…

(Via Ian Simpson on Facebook)



  1. The “study” published online in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology is obviously lying.
    I have heard many many times from “religious” people saying they would trust non-religious people than religious people.

    a colleague of mine who is a religious person, (Catholic) told me that she had heard from many other religious people that they would prefer to trust non-religious people.

    Just 2 weeks ago 3 of my colleagues who are regularly church goers, were taking between themselves. on e of them said: “Nowadays you can not trust people, especially those who attend church every regularly.

  2. Oddly enough, religious [that is to say, Christian and Muslim] people have ample justification to commit rape – the Qur’an allows men to rape the captured wives of their non-Muslim enemies (Sūrah 4:24), whilst the Bible allows men to rape and marry unattached women (Deut.22:28-29).

    Bizarre, eh?

  3. OFN… I don’t think it takes any great mental effort or research to continually show that religion is about enabling bigotry, distrust, and an “Us vs. Them” atmosphere… Sad really. Especially when otherwise nice people buy into it so wholly.

  4. So…synthesizing here… The recent decline in mistrust against atheists may well be linked to a decline in observant religiosity in America. “None” is the fastest-growing religious affiliation, and atheists have recently dropped to second place as the most mistrusted group in America. Given what you just posted, a connection seems implied. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I’d love to see the numbers.

  5. religious believers distrust atheists more than any other religious groups, gays and feminists (and you know how much they hate them). The only other group they distrust as much are rapists

    Rapists are a religious group?

    1. The post doesn’t say that. It says the only other group, not the only other religious group. (Then again, a lesser being would make an easy joke about Catholic priests, but I’m above that.)

    2. Rapists are a religious group?

      No, but notice that gays and feminists are also cited, and they aren’t religious groups either.

      1. Yes they are, Gays obviously worship Satan.

        And of course Feminism has become its own religion, filled with its own unthinking dogma /MRA (ya, I’ve actually seen that argument)

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