Hands off Ehsan Jami

22 year old Ehsan Jami, the chairman of the Dutch Committee for ex-Muslims, has been ambushed and beaten a third time by Islamists this Monday.…

TV International English begins again

I have begun hosting International TV English again. It is a weekly half hour programme with a focus on Islam, political Islam, US militarism, secularism…

Could have been any one of us

Two Kurdish journalists, Adnan Hassanpour and Hiva Boutimar, have been sentenced to execution for the ‘crime of being Moharebeh’ which means ‘fighting’ religion and the…

Yes very friendly indeed

Someone recently emailed me an interview with Moroccan Islamist Nadia Yassine, published in Speigel online on July 3, entitled ‘our religion is friendly to women’.…

Not very futile

The July 30 issue of The Nation magazine has published in-depth interviews with 50 US veterans of the Iraq war describing the US military’s heinous,…

Islam and BBC 2’s Newsnight

I was on BBC 2 TV’s Newsnight programme discussing Islam with Benazir Bhutto, Reza Aslan and Sheikh Omar Bakri. You can see it on their…

Your support is needed today

Dear Friends, The Islamic regime in Iran has launched a campaign of arrests, kidnapping, executions and stoning to death in an attempt to drive back…