The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) has received word that Mansour Osanloo was kidnapped on 10th July in Tehran by unknown persons at approximately 7pm local time. Mansour Osanloo, President of the ITF-affiliated bus workers’ union, Sandikaye Kargarane Sherkate Vahed (Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company), was being followed all day by an unmarked Peugeot car. While on his way home, Osanloo was getting off a bus, when he was assaulted by the unidentified kidnappers, who yelled at the passengers to stay away and called him a ‘hoodlum and a thug’. They then forced him into the unmarked Peugeot which then drove away. The witnesses on the bus stated that he was beaten severely, and his attackers continued to beat him even after they had stuffed him into the metallic grey Peugeot.


  1. I salute the courage of Mansour. Down with imperialism and down with the Iranian islamo-fascist regime!Pat

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