On the Anniversary of 18 Tir (July 9)
Demand the Release of Political Prisoners

Mahmoud Salehi, imprisoned Polytechnic students, and all political prisoners must be released immediately!

18th to 22nd of Tir (July 9-15) 1999, “the six days that shook the Islamic Republic of Iran,” was the beginning of a renewed movement of people of Iran to overthrow the Islamic Republic. 18 Tir started with the pretext of protesting the Islamic Republic’s shutting down of Salam daily newspaper but it didn’t take much time for it to show its true character as an uprising that targeted the totality of the Islamic regime including both its “hardliner” and “reformist” factions.

You can join the protests organised by the Worker-communist Party of Iran – UK Committee and demand the release of all political prisoners:

Monday July 9 2007, 12:00 – 2:00
In front of the Iranian Embassy
Kensington Gore, London SW7

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