Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Author: Maryam Namazie

  • Abolish Blasphemy Laws

    Council of Europe says religious groups should be protected from violence but not from criticism – and blasphemy laws should be abolished everywhere! From the National Secular Society’s Newsline The Council of Europe passed a resolution last week calling on member states to repeal all laws relating to blasphemy. It also said that religious groups…

  • On the Council of Ex-Muslims

    To hear a report on the Council of Ex-Muslims on the Guardian’s Islamophonic for June 28 with myself and activist Sohaila sharifi, click here.

  • In commemoration of Mansoor Hekmat

    Mansoor Hekmat, the great Marxist thinker and leader of the worker-communist movement and parties, not only represents a former generation of the undefeated of the Iranian revolution of 1979, but today, he also represents a new generation struggling against the Islamic Republic of Iran and Islamic reaction. And he represents not just a generation in…

  • Rethinking the profile of Islamic terrorists?

    Hear my debate on today’s BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine show on the profile of Islamic terrorists and the political Islamic movement by clicking here (correct link updated).

  • Condemn arrest of demonstrators against fuel rationing

    Based on reports we have recently received, 255 people have been arrested in the capital city of Tehran in Iran for participating in demonstrations against fuel rationing. The 255 detainees have been transferred to the notorious Evin prison. We also have been informed about the arrest of another 150 demonstrators in the city of Yasouge.…

  • Protests in Iran against the scandalous rationing of petrol

    To see images of people’s protests against the scandalous rationing of petrol by the Islamic regime in Iran, click here. The blog is in Persian but if you scroll down the page, you will be able to see video footage and photgraphs.

  • Debate with some ‘imam’ on the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain

    To listen to a debate on BBC Radio 4’s Sunday Programme with some ‘imam’ about the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, click here. The debate is at the end of the programme.

  • The launch was a huge success

    The launch of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain was a huge success! To see my speech at the event, click here. (Others speeches to follow.) Thanks to the British Humanist Association and the National Secular Society for sponsoring it. Also a huge thanks to the lovely AC Grayling who came and spoke and to…

  • Only hours left to stop stoning in Iran

    EXECUTION HAS BEEN STAYED FOR NOW. THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT BUT KEEP THE PRESSURE ON! The stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and her partner is scheduled to be carried out in public in the city of Takistan, Ghazvin, at 9:00 am on Thursday, June 21, for committing ‘adultery’ and having a child out of wedlock.…

  • The Courage of their Convictions

    Read AC Grayling’s piece in the Guardian’s Comment is Free site on the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain by clicking here.