The Third Camp is about Real Lives

Interview with Hamid Taqvaee Third Camp TV Maryam Namazie: You wrote the Manifesto of the Third Camp against US Militarism and Islamic Terrorism, which many…

Cultural Relativists have it all wrong!

Rights trump culture & religion Cultural relativism is not only a prescription for inaction and passivity in the face of the oppression of millions of…

Khatami is a criminal!

He must be arrested and put on trial! Former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami has been invited by the Centre for Global Justice to visit the…

So who won?

All we keep hearing after today’s (albeit temporary) truce went into effect is who managed to win in the Israeli war on Lebanon. Was it…

The execution of sweet 16 Atefeh

Have you seen the film on the outrageous execution of sweet 16 Atefeh by the Islamic Republic of Iran? If not, click here to see…

Release Ahmad Batebi now!

To human rights organizations and freedom lovers around the globe About the critical condition of a political prisoner in Iran Ahmad Batebi is one of…