I can’t stop thinking about the children executed by US forces in Haditha in November last year.
What were they doing right before they were killed in cold blood? Where they playing or sitting on their doorsteps watching the world go by?
What must they have thought of the world they lived in? How scared they must have been when they saw the marines aim directly at them? How much pain did they feel? How long did it take for them to die? Did they die alone or in their mothers’ arms? And how did their mothers feel – helpless to save the lives of their precious little ones?
News of Haditha has driven me insane with rage. If you have still not felt it – numbed by the daily news of killings in Iraq – just try putting the faces of children you love, maybe your own or those of your siblings or close friends, in the places of those beloved who were murdered that day. Beloveds who will be missed; who will never be kissed or kiss again; who will never be tickled, or cuddled. Who are no more…
In response to this outrage, attempts at covering it up, along with reports of other such outrages, the US government has ordered troops to undergo a crash course in battlefield ethics.
Please; have some respect for our intelligence.
Haditha is the result of your battlefield ethics – one that similar to Islamic terrorism – indiscriminately targets civilians.
For those who think that US militarism is more palatable than Islamic terrorism, think Haditha…
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