Who speaks for British Muslims

A few days ago, BBC Newsnight showed a programme by Maajid Nawaz entitled “Who speaks for British Muslims” (you can see it below). Over the…

Diversity Awards

Several people have nominated me for the National Diversity Awards as a positive role model. Thank you! Though I have a sneaky feeling that I…

Happy Nowrooz!

Happy Nowrooz all! Here’s our Haft Seen table. looks a bit sad! There is a lot to be grateful in the New Year, including family,…

در دفاع از برهنگى

 جديد مصاحبه ديروز من با فرانسه ۲۴ ****** دوستان زيادى دلايل اعتراض برهنگى ام را از من پرسيدند. بزودى توضيحات بيشترى خواهم داد (اما امشب…