On Tweeting EDL supporters

“Soupy” has asked for clarification on One Law for All’s position with regards the English Defence League. I don’t see why we need to clarify…

LSE Update

As I reported yesterday, two Atheist Society members were told to take off their Jesus and Mo t-shirts or be kicked out of the LSE…

LSE: What happened to freedom of thought

Update: Here are some other LSE related posts: Charges of Offence and Islamophobia are secular fatwas LSE Student Union supports criticism of religion – just…

Kafir Comedy Club

Hold this date all Kafir Comedy Club 29 November 2013 @ 7-9 PM Hosted by DJ Zee Jay & Maha Open mic comedy for interested…

A pioneering school indeed!

You must have all heard about the Al-Madinah School in Derby – the first Islamic free school in Britain? According to a report: As previously…

Don’t let them murder us

“This is my last appeal to you: The prison guards are right behind the door. They have come to take us. Be the voice of…