Defining Islamophobia

The below article was published on sister-hood. “Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived…

پریود_طبیعی_است# #PeriodsAreNatural

پریود_طبیعی_است# #PeriodsAreNatural

English Below اعتراض روز جهانی زن پریود_طبیعی_است# در میان گروه ارتدوکس‌های یهودی، در دوران عادت ماهانه زن، مرد و زن حق دست زدن یا رد…

Why is Inclusive Mosque so Afraid of Secularism?

Why is Inclusive Mosque so Afraid of Secularism?

The Inclusive Mosque Initiative is organising “Beyond the Promise of Secularism” in response to our 25 November International Conference on Sharia, Segregation and Secularism. Their…

Ex-Muslims: A community in protest

Ex-Muslims: A community in protest

Published in sister-hood on 2 July 2018. When the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) started 11 years ago, in June 2007, we were hard pressed to…