It seems be an Islamist, you must not only have a thing for murder but you have to be downright stupid as well.

Here’s an email circulated amongst the “brothers” on 10 October Friday before the 11-12 October conference on the Religious-Right, Secularism and Civil Rights in London trying to mobilise their herds to stop our event by frightening the hotel where our event was taking place. The threats the hotel received were so serious that the police became involved and more stringent security measures were put in place.


Please do not ignore this message.

This weekend the council of ex muslims led by maryam namazi are holding a conference at the tower Guoman hotel. This event is full of hate preachers who’s intention is only to provoke Muslims and offend.

We need to make a stand against this event. We need you all to message and call the hotel today and demand that they do not allow the event to go ahead. Or at least ban Maryam namazi to be at the event…

A bit about Maryam Namazi

She has led a crusade against Muslims and islam and got many islamic events banned in the UK. She did a protest against the hijaab and by stripping nude in public and using the Iranians flag to cover her self. She cut out the part where it says Allah and put her private part there and then says this is better.

Make a stand for your Deen by getting her banned. Email and call the hotel now. And forward this message.

It is absurd when those preaching hate and defending murder call those resisting them “hate preachers”.

On Saturday, a few Islamists tried to get into the conference and were stopped by security. One of them even said he was a friend. Err, I don’t have any fascist friends, sorry.

One also texted me at the conference telling me he was waiting for me in reception: Ameenur Rasheed (07939 847723). One waited all day long right in front of the entrance maybe because he thought we would be intimidated?

Err, I don’t think so.

Also, both the websites of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and One Law for All were down for several days due to sustained attacks.

Even so, our conference went ahead and 250 delegates from all over, particularly from the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and the Diapora, exposed Islamism and the religious-Right and defended secularism and citizenship rights.

The conference culminated in a Manifesto for Secularism – supported by believers and none – as an important step in creating an international front to challenge the fascists of our era.

Hope and humanity in the face of the religious-Right…

Islamists – you fail again!




    1. Dear Maryam, you are raising, strengthening, strongly reflecting and amplifying the voice of millions of men, women and children who want to get read of the Islamism and live in a secular world. You are a strong voice for freedom and humanity.

  1. So proud to be part of a movement that gives hope for a better world. Thank you Maryam for your courage and passion. For what it is worth, I stand with you 100%.

  2. Hallo dear Maryam i’m writing on Itaian press about the Conference and share the Manifesto, we are stronger than them and we not are afraid, love stay in touch and multiplied conferences like this!
    Monica Lanfranco

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