Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Category: News

  • Save Jamshid Sharmahd

    The “Save Jamshid Sharmahd” campaign addressed a letter to Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock to save the life of German citizen Jamshid Sharmahd, who is imprisoned in Iran: Dear Minister Annalena Baerbock, We are reaching out to you in desperation and asking you to save a human life. The life of German citizen Jamshid Sharmahd,…

  • On #HijabDay, we are #Free from Hijab

    On #HijabDay, we are #Free from Hijab

    ‘Hijab Day is like FGM or Breast-Ironing Day: a celebration of misogyny and sexism.’ – Maryam Namazie ‘Human beings are worthy of respect but not all beliefs must be respected.’ – Maryam Namazie, 1998 ‘The chador and burqa are like a mobile prison and body bag… Why should women’s bodies, rights and lives be restricted…

  • #IShitOnIslam  #ریدم_تو_اسلام Trending on Persian Twitter

    #IShitOnIslam #ریدم_تو_اسلام Trending on Persian Twitter

    At De Balie’s Freethinkers Festival in Amsterdam end October 2021, Maryam Namazie spoke on “Women in oppression: On the deep friendship between religion and patriarchy.” During the discussion, she said “Religion has to come with health warning. It kills, it destroys, it humiliates, and particularly women it does that too.” She also explained the trending…

  • Campaigners call for release of Iranian blogger who ‘insulted Islam’

    Campaigners call for release of Iranian blogger who ‘insulted Islam’

    Campaigners call for release of Iranian blogger who ‘insulted Islam’, NSS News, 26 October 2021 Posted: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 Over 200 organisations and individuals have called for the release of an Iranian blogger imprisoned for ‘blasphemy’. An initiative launched by Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB), Atheist Republic and Ex-Muslims of Scandinavia aims to free…

  • Maryam Namazie: ‘Vrouwen zijn een makkelijk doelwit voor religie’, De Balie, 15 October 2021

    Maryam Namazie: ‘Vrouwen zijn een makkelijk doelwit voor religie’, De Balie, 15 October 2021

    Maryam Namazie: ‘Vrouwen zijn een makkelijk doelwit voor religie’, De Balie, 15 October 2021

  • Diyaar at FiliA, the largest feminist conference in Europe

    Diyaar, an Iranian women’s Daf group, led by Music Director Azin Marzabadi performed at the opening of FiLiA, the largest grassroots feminist conference in Europe.  

  • Blasphemy and Soheil Days, Events, Poetry and More

    Blasphemy and Soheil Days, Events, Poetry and More

    Dear friend We hope you are well and safe. We wanted to write and give you an update of upcoming events and actions. BLASPHEMY DAY, 30 September Join CEMB in celebrating blasphemy by uploading your photo into our #blasphemyday frame and sharing on social media. If you can’t show your face because it may put you at…

  • 3 October: International Soheil Day روز جهانی سهیل عربی‎‎

    3 October: International Soheil Day روز جهانی سهیل عربی‎‎

    Farsi, Arabic, French and Spanish translations and list of Signatories below. To add your signature, please email or add your name and description here. The list will be updated daily until end of 3 October, International Soheil Day. Soheil Arabi is an Iranian atheist initially sentenced to death for ‘insulting the Prophet of Islam’…

  • Maryam Namazie to speak at De Balie’s Freethinkers Festival 2021

    Maryam Namazie to speak at De Balie’s Freethinkers Festival 2021

    29-30 October 2021 Vrijdenkersfestival 2021 (Freethinkers Festival 2021) De Balie, Amsterdam Met onafhankelijke geesten uit alle windhoeken, de een nog moediger dan de ander. Het begrip vrijheid is onlosmakelijk verbonden met Amsterdam. De stad deed in de 17e eeuw al dienst als veilige haven. Voor vrijdenkers, afvalligen en andere lastpakken. Vanzelfsprekend trokken scherpe geesten als…

  • Carte blanche: liberté, dignité et fraternité pour l’Afghanistan, Le Soir, 28 August 2021

    Carte blanche: liberté, dignité et fraternité pour l’Afghanistan, Le Soir, 28 August 2021 Nous, signataires de ce message de solidarité envers le peuple afghan, sommes, certes, contre toute ingérence d’un pays tiers, quelles que soient ses bonnes ou louables intentions, à l’intérieur d’une nation souveraine et indépendante. Nous sommes également, à l’inverse, pour l’autodétermination des…