bangladeshibloggers25 April is the International Day to Defend Bangladeshi Bloggers.

Islamists want 84 bloggers dead for speaking their minds. Rather than arrest and prosecute the Islamists, the Bangladeshi government has arrested 4 bloggers and promises to arrest more!

And so the fight continues between Islamists and their appeasers on the one hand and freethinkers, secularists, atheists, socialists and humanists on the other. This fight is global and is taking place as we speak in every corner of the globe…

Defending Bangladesh’s bloggers, defends us all. Any harm that befalls them, harms us all.

On 25 April, come out in full force to stand with and defend them.

Upload your actions and protests on social media sites. Join the day’s Facebook Page. Contact the Bangladeshi embassy in your country of residence and sign the petition now.  Tweet #Bangladesh #Bloggers and more.

You can also join protest actions taking place in the following places:


  • London:  Trafalgar Square. More details to follow.


  • Washington, DC: Embassy of Bangladesh, 3510 International Drive NW, Washington, D.C. 20008. 4:30 pm ET. Details here.
  • New York City: Office of the Consulate General of Bangladesh, 211 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017. 4:30 pm ET
    Will begin at Grand Central Station, move to the consulate, and then the United Nations building. Details here.
  • Columbia, MO: Peace Park, Columbia, MO. 12 pm CT. Hosted by MU SASHA (Skeptics, Atheist, Secular Humanist, and Agnostics). Details here.

Onwards towards a successful day of outrage and action.

Free the bloggers now and hands off our freethinkers.


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