23 year old Afghan university student Khaleda Mohammadi was beaten by her husband and prevented from leaving home for three weeks. Why? One of her male classmates uttered her name in public.
Just in case you find your blood boiling – hold on a minute. There is a perfectly good reason for it:

Fereidoun, her husband, says: ‘Out of pride, I can’t stand it when someone calls out my wife’s name.’ ‘I can’t look away and ignore it. She represents my honour. Every man who values his dignity must act like this; otherwise he has no pride.’

Or maybe not.



  1. Every man who values his dignity must act like this; otherwise he has no pride.

    Well, shucks. Looks like I got no pride.


    Worthless sack of excrement.

  2. Actually I would say this shows improvement in Afghanistan, this wasn’t committed by the state and besides is anyone over the age of ten shocked that there isn’t total gender equality in absurdistan?

  3. if it’s honor at stake – you’d think he’d be angry at the guy who said his wife’s name in public; but then that would involve leaving the house…

    1. Yeah, I just don’t get it. Out of pride, I can’t allow you to say her name, so I’ll beat her. Um…train of thought…rails…the two things aren’t exactly meeting up, are they?

  4. This kind of stuff horrifies me. I think, “If I was there, I’d show him!” But I know I couldn’t physically stand up to a man. I think the world would be so different if women were as physically strong as men.

  5. Well, he surely has nothing to be proud of with that lack of understanding. It’s a name, not a magic spell.

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