Members and supporters are invited to join the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain for end-year drinks.
Date: Tuesday 11 December 2012
Time: 18:30-20:00 Hours
Location: Central London
Entry: £10 per person; £7 for unwaged (including one drink and canapés).
Special Guest Speaker: Philosopher A C Grayling on ‘Secularism as a Human Right’.
To RSVP, please complete and return the below form. Space is limited. Reservations will be granted on a first come, first served basis. Reservations and payment deadline: 6 December 2012 via post and 10 December via email.
Name __________________________________________________________________
Tel: ______________________ AND/OR Email: ________________________________
Payment (please tick)
____ £10 individual ____ £7 unwaged £_______ Other (donations welcome)
Form of Payment
Cheques can be made payable to CEMB and posted to CEMB, BM Box 1919, London WC1N 3XX, UK. Payment can also be made online via Worldpay.
For further details on the CEMB’s official monthly Meet-ups and Events, click here. Upcoming events include a November private luncheon for CEMB web-forum users and a January coffee morning for ex-Muslim women.
Please note that the CEMB is willing to hold Meet-Ups for ex-Muslims in other cities. If you want to set up a meet-up group locally, contact the CEMB to help facilitate it.
For more information:
Maryam Namazie
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
BM Box 1919, London WC1N 3XX, UK
tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
Company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales under company number 8059509.
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