Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Every three hours, one child is killed in Gaza

Today, my toddler woke up; wanted tummy; ate cereal; watched Go Diego Go; played with his cars; ran all around the house to avoid being dressed and washed; dodged his hairbrush; ran out of the house and straight up the tree in front; climbed down reluctantly; took his Mr Men umbrella and began walking towards the high street; returned home a few minutes later to get his buggy; put a leaf in it and ran back with it down the street; backed up and went over every single puddle on his way pretending he was a tractor; ate part of his salmon sandwich; went to a playgroup; shouted ‘I’m here’ upon entry; sang nursery rhymes at the top of his lungs; played some more – with cars of course; ate 4 biscuits and drank squash; finished the rest of his salmon sandwich; demanded chocolate when passing a cafe; waved at passing cars; ran all the way back home singing little red tractor…

In the three hours that I watched him, kissed and hugged him, and savoured every moment, one child – beloved just like him – died in Gaza as a result of the Israeli assault.

And in the next three hours whilst he painted; drilled the walls with his toy drill; drove his scooter up and down the living room; watched some Fireman Sam; ate some more; and had an afternoon nap, yet another child died.

And then another.

And another.

One every three hours.

And they dare to say it is not a war crime.


5 responses to “Every three hours, one child is killed in Gaza”

  1. It’s sad to see that war is justified in so many different ways.

  2. Focusing on Gaza Strip, I don’t really agree with the ‘no-cooperation’ political structure between Fatah, Hamas etc. The only reason they are still in the middle of war is maybe because of what Israel stand for, but remember the inside conflict in which always happens. They have a bigger battle but at the same time, they show instability/problems/rotten/losing factors from the inside out. People like me only have limited hands in helping them (eg: donation which I do sometimes) but its their job then to make sure that they don’t waste any helps (even for very small percentage) they had received.

  3. “Neighborhood”… “Across the street”…How crafty and flexible expressions are these for depicting the dreadful reality. Are we talking about the same neighbor who has been expelled from his own home besieged to starvation and death? I love how people create the most elaborate neurotic scenarios to lure the big other so their fantasies remain intact. So Maryam, please do not take his/her words personally, he/she is here merely talking with the Other and desperately trying to convince it.

  4. Get real — you could not even accept restrictions on your personal freedom. I would like to see you be patient and tolerant while your neighbors across the street lob stones through your windows for 8 months with the police ignoring my attacks. Then we will start on your school children in kintergardens.Stop being partisan. You know well that as long as the Gaza residents live off foreign aid and do nothing but reproduce 6 kids per wife, 2 wives per male; there will be war in Gaza. Clean up your own backyard to end war slaughter.

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