I go today to the 11 February Rally in London for Free Expression for all those who cannot be there because of efforts to silence them. Their lives are intertwined with ours and this day is about them more than anything else. It’s about putting people first not religions and beliefs.

I hope you will all join me – if not in London than wherever you are across the globe – to defend this right.

For more information on the events today, or to post reports of your own, go to One law for All.



  1. Pingback: London news
  2. I was there for the last hour and I found the standard of speaker and general organisation of the event to be very good. I hope to see more of these events in future.

  3. See you all there! It’s a beautiful day (though I know we’d all be there rain or shine), so I wonder if that gives any of our detractors pause for thought; surely Allah could make it stormy, even a continuation of the snow we’ve had recently would not be so much of a stretch, and they could try to take credit for it!

    Very excited to hear Maryam speak in person for the first time, sadly other commitments kept me from the ‘Blasphemy’ event, which looks like it was a corker.

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