Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Good thing prayers don’t work

I get a lot of interesting emails to say the least. I don’t usually answer them or post them but I thought some of you at least could use a good laugh. Here’s one from ‘an enemy of the ex-Muslim Council’:

In the name of God the most gracious the most merciful, and peace and blessings be upon His most beloved messenger Mohammed.


I came across your page whilst browsing, and thought I would email with the intention of warning you of the day of judgement and advising you to change your name and your mission.

Why must you be a council of ex-muslims and not simply be an atheist council? Why still hang onto the word muslim? This is a very evil and bitter council ‘name’ to adopt. Why must you be so hateful towards Islam, when even ex christians and ex jews and ex catholics etc are respectful enough to avoid such insult? If you no longer wish to be muslim, then leave the faith and leave its name behind.

Obviously my email will not change your perception, but as a recent convert I’m disgusted that anyone would want to tarnish a religion simply because they no longer belong to it. You call for prohibition of segregation of the sexes, well that’s a religious affair and quite frankly is none of your business. You call for religion to stop dictating, by asking secularism and atheism to dictate instead? Double standards.

Your mission calls simply to reverse roles and does NOT promote peace. You were obviously bruised by a restrictive ‘cultural’ set of rules. But to then try to dictate to those with a religion about how they should raise their children is disgusting!

How dare you try to intervene on family matters? I have sikh, mormon and christian friends who bring their children up in religious settings and as much as I am muslim, I think everyone has the right to raise their children however they see fit. They are wonderful parents and have loving children who are protected from such evil that you wish to promote.

Admittedly cultural norms have taken over the lives of some, and yes this needs to be addressed. However, you cannot demonize religion on the whole. Your organisation sets out to eradicate religion, not just Islam, which is dangerous for everyone who holds a belief in a higher power.

I sincerely hope you fail in your endeavors and will call not only on my muslim friends, but also on my mormon and sikh and hindu and rasatfarian friends and family to pray against you. I ask that you repent to whoever you believe in, and if you do not believe in anything I sincerely advise that you change your direction to tackling the cultural problems plaguing our society, promote human rights for all not just for atheists, otherwise you will be answerable to God for your evils in a life that is not temporal.

We have other issues, such as shortage of resources, climate change, never-ending wars by your much loved secularists, nuclear weapons and the list goes on. Why not call for human rights for all?

I hope of course that those oppressed find a way out of their situation, but I pray your mission fails, and I hope that your goals go unrealized. I pray your efforts are in vain and that your organization becomes a laughing stock, humiliated and abased. I pray that your message continues to fall either on deaf ears, or at least on the ears of those who are similar in thinking, and does not corrupt the minds of others who want to be free from secularism.

I pray there is freedom for all, freedom to practice religion and believe in what most comforts them. It painfully obvious to me that muslims can be the best and the worst of people, with those who have left Islam being the worst of all, even worse than those who never believed in the first place. You are an enemy to Islam, an enemy to religions across the globe, and an enemy to me.

I do not threaten you, nor do I hate you. There is no room in my heart to feel anything for anyone, my heart is preoccupied with loving Allah and His messenger.

May God have mercy on your souls.

An enemy of the ex-muslim council.


Good thing prayers don’t work…


13 responses to “Good thing prayers don’t work”

  1. LeetheGirl Avatar

    Wow. How typical, eh? Typical of a religious freak who has to make everything they see about themselves.

    The see “Ex-Muslim”, claim you are not promoting peace and in fact accusing you of the opposite and then turning the term around completely to call you their enemy.

    “Oh, you don’t like my religion, I take offense to that personally. Curse you.”


  2. I sincerely hope you fail in your endeavors and will call not only on my muslim friends, but also on my mormon and sikh and hindu and rasatfarian [sic] friends and family to pray against you


    Ha Ha. At least hanging out with the Rastafarians should help. According to Wikipedia, “The Rastafari movement encompasses themes such as the spiritual use of cannabis.”

    Allah is merciful, indeed.

  3. lordshipmayhem Avatar

    This ‘enemy of the ex-Muslim Council’ is so full of fail in so many ways.

    I wait for him/her/it to come up with evidence supporting the existence of supernatural power. However, I’m not holding my breath.

  4. Maryam:
    -I’m astonished I read more than the first few sentences. I actually made it about to:

    However, you cannot demonize religion on the whole.

    before I had to quit. The delusions of theists are so sad. It’s not terribly difficult to demonize religion. All one has to do is read the holy text(s).

    1. JetClarke Avatar

      Or look at what religious people do. Almost anything they do.
      That makes it easy to demonize them as well.

  5. evilDoug Avatar

    There is no room in my heart to feel anything for anyone, my heart is preoccupied with loving Allah and His messenger.

    That is quite the gigantic non sequitur to his rant.
    If that quoted statement is true, then he is what I would regard as a useless human being. If I actually believed he had no room for hate, quite contrary to his other statements, I would at least regard him as harmless. I don’t think he his.

    As mrianabrinson points out, there are “ex-” groups for many many things that former participants now regard as damaging to themselves and/or others, and most name the offending thing, specifically to mark it as offensive. Stuff I Used To Do Anonymous as a grand catch-all group?

    1. It just goes to show just how much he cares about the human species and bettering society- which is none. He cares more for his mythology than he does people, which is really sad and disturbing.

  6. JetClarke Avatar

    “You are an enemy to Islam, an enemy to religions across the globe, and an enemy to me.”

    Well, at least the author got that much right about you!
    Keep up the good work Ms. Namazie.

  7. This guy is weird on so many levels. There is an ex-Christian website, ex-Fundamentalist website, ex-Pentecostal website, etc etc, so I think if you want to call yourself an ex-Muslim, because you are, there is nothing wrong with it. I could continue to dissect his email, but it would take all night because it is so long. I feel sorry that he fell for Islam and became a Muslim. It might be a decision he will soon regret. Poor man. Or is it a woman? If so, all the worse for her, since she fell for it.

  8. Why still hang onto the word muslim?

    I had been wondering about whether I should consider myself an ex-Muslim (to make a point about the fact that one should be able to leave Islam) or if I should just ditch the word altogether, leave it behind. This person’s email is making me think that it’s still worth hanging on to the term to make the point, which clearly needs to be made.

    I also find it interesting that he’s a recent convert and yet can’t fathom why someone would talk about why they disagree with the religion they left. He must disagree with some aspect of the religion he left … or why would he leave it?

    1. And has the author of this very angry enemy of the Ex-Muslim Council never heard of terms/descriptions -and very well known and used universally, such as ‘lapsed catholic’ -And EX-CATHOLIC ?

      The author, in making his/her demands -makes a very good case for why a growing number of people are giving up on Religion -whether it be Christian of Islam -or whatever. That being, the ‘denial of free expression …free speech.
      Yet another example of what Religion really stands for -its bottom line … ‘mind control’ -the denial of basic human values. Control of language -is ‘full control’ of the human spirit.
      He/she, claims to be a ‘convert’ to Islam -from atheism? An Ex-Atheist?

  9. sceptinurse Avatar

    My how… delusional.

  10. Martyn Hughes Avatar
    Martyn Hughes

    Don’t know where to begin, to be honest.

    ‘We have other issues, such as shortage of resources, climate change, never-ending wars by your much loved secularists, nuclear weapons and the list goes on. Why not call for human rights for all?

    Hasn’t he come across the One Law for all campaign yet? LOL.

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