15-16 March 2014
Columbia, Missouri
Maryam Namazie will be speaking at the Missouri University SASHA (Skeptics, Atheists, Secular Humanists and Agnostics) conference in Columbia, Missouri. More information here.

28-30 March 2014
Warsaw, Poland
Maryam Namazie will be speaking at the first Atheist Days in Poland on 28-30 March. The event starts on Friday (28.03) with an evening of atheist movies. On 29.03, there will be a March of atheists followed by the historical reconstruction of the execution of the nobleman Lyszczynski , the author of the treaty “On non existentia dei” accused of atheism 325 years ago. This will be followed by the Atheist Congress and Dinner. Maryam will be speaking on a panel on religion and women’s discrimination at the congress. You can see the programme in Polish here.

17-20 April 2014
Salt Lake City, Utah
Maryam Namazie will be speaking at 2014 American Atheists National Convention. More details here.

By the way, don’t forget to join me at the 11-12 October 2014 international conference on the Religious-Right, Secularism and Civil Rights at Tower Hotel, London. More information can be found here. Buy your tickets now. It will be a historical event!



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