Maryam Namazie
September 11, 2002
Published in Hambastegi English
One year after the immense human tragedy and crimes against humanity perpetrated against the people in NYC by Islamic terrorism on 11 September 2001 humanity remains captive to international terrorism’s two poles. One pole, Islamic terrorism and political Islam, continues to wreak havoc and slaughter women, men and children. In the 21st century, this pole still stones women to death in Iran, amputates limbs in Saudi Arabia, veils girls in the heart of Europe, executes political opponents in Iraqi Kurdistan, and kills people sitting on buses in Israel, etc. The other pole, the governments of the US, the UK and Israel and NATO, etc., also continues to make bleak the lives of millions via imposing reaction on the people of Afghanistan, economic sanctions and bombings in Iraq, the reoccupation of Palestine, etc.
Both these poles claim they represent and commemorate the victims and the dead. In reality, however, neither the US government represents the victims of the September 11 tragedy in NYC, nor do the vile Taliban, Osama Bin Laden and various political Islamic groups and states represent the oppressed people of Afghanistan, Palestine and the region. Neither pole represents humanity. On the contrary, both poles are opposed to humanity. With these claims, both poles strive in vain to justify their barbarity. Both strive to gain further political power, increase their hegemony and further exploit the peoples of the globe and region. Neither pole is justified. Both are condemned.
Only the civilised world, civilised humanity itself, can represent and commemorate the victims of this terrorist race. One year after September 11, this is still our task. One year after September 11, the banner of the civilised world is still in our hands.
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