Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Iran Solidarity is calling for volunteers to carry out daily acts of solidarity with the people of Iran every day for the next 365 days

Since July 27, we have had one person in Trafalgar Square’s Northern Terrace (London) every day from 1800-1830 to show their solidarity with the people of Iran. This past week, academic Marzieh Asqari, Iranian Secular Society head Fariborz Pooya, human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, Professor Jack Cohen, labour activist Alfonso Cuiffini, ex-political prisoner Mersedeh Ghaedi and political activist Jalil Jalili were there. You can see photos and film footage of their actions in front of the National Gallery on our blog, which is updated daily:

If you would like to contribute to these daily acts during the next 365 days, contact us. You would need to stand alone, be over 16 years of age, and spend the half hour doing whatever you’d like to show your support and solidarity. You can speak, do something silently, hold something up that you have prepared and brought with you, read a poem, show a painting, sing, wear a Neda mask, do an act… There will always be another volunteer there to provide support, distribute Iran Solidarity leaflets, and photograph and or film your action. To take part in one of the daily actions or volunteer to help us organise them, just call or email us.

If you do not live in London and want to take part or organise acts of solidarity in other cities contact us so we can help you. You can also organise a flash mob that can highlight the situation in Iran, set up information tables or mobilise support for our campaign. You can set up Iran Solidarity groups at your schools and universities, neighbourhoods and workplaces – similar to the anti-apartheid groups that helped get rid of racial apartheid in South Africa. Iran Solidarity Vancouver in Canada has already been launched on July 31 and others have contacted us about setting up branches in their localities.

Moreover, you can sign up to Iran Solidarity if you haven’t already done so and get others to do so, volunteer your time and skills, donate and raise funds or help organise speaking tours and public meetings.

We have a responsibility and duty to unite to support a hugely important movement in Iran that will help the people of Iran and the world in heralding a new dawn.

To donate to our efforts via paypal or cheque, click here:

For more information, visit our website: or blog: or contact:
Maryam Namazie
Campaign Organiser
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731


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