Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Islamic Republic case opens in The International Criminal Court in The Hague

[Latest news: The IRI file number at Hague court was issued. Complaints against the IRI will be kept under this number: OTP-CR-777/09 ]
Thanks to Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi for the translation:

Secular News reports: On August 18th a press conference featuring hundreds of personalities and thousands of individuals who were known to have withstood brutal torture, took place in front of the International Criminal Courts in The Hague (ICC).

Farshad Hosseini, Mina Ahadi, Shiva Mahboubi, Fareed Arman, Akram Beeronvand, Saeed Partow and Fereshteh Moradi participated in the press conference and discussed at length, the most recent as well as thirty years of crimes committed by the Islamic regime; those crimes include torture, rape, execution of minors and children, assassination of regime opposition members inside and outside Iran.

Demonstrators who turned up at 2 p.m. braving the rainy weather, carried placards of images of those who lost their lives; they gathered to represent all the deceased, those who were tortured and raped by the regimes criminal officials, as well as the families of the victims and whose loved ones blood was spilled for the freedom of Iran, and finally the millions of Iranians whose wish is to prosecute the heads of the Islamic regime. A manifesto was also read by Hosseini, Ahadi, Moradi, Partow and Arman in Farsi, English and Dutch.

During the demonstration Mina Ahadi and Farshad Hosseini who represented the International Committee Against Stoning and International Committee Against Execution met and held discussions and deliberated with officials from the ICC prosecution unit. Other than the presentation of a detailed report of the crimes committed by the Islamic Republic during the last thirty years, a request for an investigation of said crimes as crimes against humanity, by the ICC was also made. A separate report based on the recent crimes which consisted of a list of one hundred names of those who are known to have been killed during the recent months as well as the illegal and secret burials in mass graves was also presented to said ICC officials. The issue of the tortures performed on detainees in prisons, rapes of political prisoners were mentioned as well. Ms. Ahadi and Mr. Hosseini also reitereated the nature and severity of the crimes perpetrated by the Islamic regime against humanity and explained that any delay or compromise in this matter, where a concrete and effective international action plan for halting this course of genocide, whatever the reason, will lead to the continuation of these crimes. Every day the ICC delays the investigation of these crimes, will be another day will be an extension for the criminals perpetrating said crimes. Today international organizations who head up the ICC’s role is to stand as a buffer and is duty-bound to prosecute criminals and as such they must act swiftly in taking action against those responsible for such atrocities. The request to prosecute the heads of that Islamic regime is the request of millions of Iranian and hundreds of thousands of plaintiffs, in either a personal, political or public form.

The officials from the prosecution unit of the ICC responded with diligence and readiness in accepting the reports presented to them; therefore based on the presented information a file for the investigation of the leaders of the Islamic regime was opened and the case number will be provided on August 31st which will then be distributed. The officials from the prosecution unit also explained the legal methodology of the complaint process and in response stated that the accelerated steps taken against the Islamic regime was as a result of the large and continued complaints against the government of Iran and as such immediate action will be taken to examine the evidence. The officials from the prosecution unit also added that additionally they are currently addressing four cases of crimes against humanity in countries such as Uganda, The Congo, Sudan and Central Africa.

The International Committee Against Execution continues its activities to inform public opinion on the topic of the executions and the general crimes committed by the Islamic Republic. For more information or assisting us regarding this case, please contact us.

Mina Ahadi
0049 177 569 24 13

Farshad Hoseini

The International Committee Against Execution
29 August 2009


4 responses to “Islamic Republic case opens in The International Criminal Court in The Hague”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    This is just another ugly publicity stunt by the "Worker communist party of Iran" (Hezbeh communist kargari). Please stop lying to people. We are sick and tired of lies.

    Iran is not a member of the ICC, as the Iranian parliament has not ratified the statute of Rome. Thus, it is only through the U.N security council (and by the consent of 5 of its permanent members) that such a case can be referred to the ICC.

  2. There is a lot of noise about a case presented about crimes against humanity to the Hague. Apparently a case number has been issued as well. I would point out that there can not be a case, period, until a case is referred by the U.N. Security Council or the General Assembly to the International Criminal Court. No such proceedings has been started in the U.N.

  3. Good job! Keep up the pressure.

  4. Its out of control. Iran goverment using same methods as the Nazi Regime. Has to stop. Enough is Enough.

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