‘It’s his culture; he can’t shake hands with women.’ That’s what the student from the Ahmadiyya Youth Association came to say to me before last week’s debate on Sharia law negating human rights at the UCL. ‘It isn’t personal’ I was told but Ayazz Mahmood of the UK Ahmadiyya Muslim University of Theology and Languages would get all dirty if he touched my hand.
‘Well,’ I said, ‘it’s my culture to shake hands with men and be treated as an equal’ and that is what I did.
If only poor old Ayazz Mahmood knew that this apostate who shook his hand was menstruating at the time as well. [Just in case you don’t know, menstruating women aren’t allowed to pray, or enter Sharia courts or mosques and most probably shouldn’t be debating Sharia law’s negation of human rights.]
Oh well…
But honestly, Muslim women must be the only ones in the world who actually look forward to their periods.
And by the way, since it isn’t enough that women are humilitated day in and day out by men refusing to shake their hands, Cambridge University has issued a directive warning academics not to shake hands with Muslim women as well.
It’s their culture to hate women, so let’s all join in…
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