Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Lottery indeed

Here is a small Iranian girl giving a sermon in defence of the Quran:

I find the use of children in promoting religion or the labelling of children as having a religion particularly sickening; it’s an insidious form of child abuse.

As Mansoor Hekmat says in his brilliant piece in defence of children’s rights:

The child has no religion, tradition and prejudices. She has not joined any religious sect. She is a new human being who, by accident and irrespective of her will has been born into a family with specific religion, tradition, and prejudices. It is indeed the task of society to neutralise the negative effects of this blind lottery. Society is duty-bound to provide fair and equal living conditions for children, their growth and development, and their active participation in social life. Anybody who should try to block the normal social life of a child, exactly like those who would want to physically violate a child according to their own culture, religion, or personal or collective complexes, should be confronted with the firm barrier of the law and the serious reaction of society. No nine year old girl chooses to be married, sexually mutilated, serve as house maid and cook for the male members of the family, and be deprived of exercise, education, and play. The child grows up in the family and in society according to established customs, traditions, and regulations, and automatically learns to accept these ideas and customs as the norms of life… The condition for defending any form of the freedom of the child to experience life, the condition for defending the child’s right to choose, is first and foremost, to prevent these automatic and common impositions.

Lottery indeed. Think about it, this little girl could have been playing, swimming, dancing… were she born in another family.

Religion – together we can (and must) find the cure:











(via Afsaneh Vahdat)


22 responses to “Lottery indeed”

  1. logicthoughts Avatar

    I think the girl wearing hijab only when reciting Qur’an or whatever her parents religious belief…she won’t be wearing the hijab all the time..If she does wear while reciting (which is respectful for the verse) there is no harm in it….mariam namazie is exaggerating the issue to a certain extent that the girl never enjoy her childhood in her entire child life.

    Mariam namazies is a living joke and one of the criminal identities that is against girls and children on this unfortunate planet earth…she never thought of the children suffering in western world due to her criminal ideology which can be proved by following facts.

    •A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds
    •*More than five children die every day as a result of child abuse.2
    •Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of 4. 1
    •It is estimated that between 50-60% of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded as such on death certificates. 3
    •More than 90% of juvenile sexual abuse victims know their perpetrator in some way. 4
    •Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education.
    •About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse. 5
    •About 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder5
    •The estimated annual cost of child abuse and neglect in the United States for 2008 is $124 billion. 6

    Child Abuse & Criminal Behavior
    • 14% of all men in prison in the USA were abused as children. 7
    • 36% of all women in prison were abused as children. 7
    • Children who experience child abuse & neglect are 59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult, and 30% more likely to commit violent crime. 5
    Child Abuse & Substance Abuse
    • One-third to two-thirds of child maltreatment cases involve substance use to some degree. 8
    • Children whose parents abuse alcohol and other drugs are three times more likely to be abused and more than four times more likely to be neglected than children from non-abusing families. 8
    • As many as two-thirds of the people in treatment for drug abuse reported being abused or neglected as children. 10
    Read more:

    1. Usama Khizar Avatar
      Usama Khizar

      welll said bro , 2ndly she talks crap about islam and dosent look at the country with the most child abuse , its not any muslim country , what it is , is clear now , i will keep opposing her if she continues to post against religions and especially islam , when she die she will not be given a chance to regret , i hope she mends her ways again, and i see there is lots of propaganda against Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) marrying an infant thats what she cries about all time , if she some much really want an answer go ask dr. zakir naik , he has answered it already but she can ask it again .
      but i know she’s a bitch

    2. Cameron Riddle Avatar
      Cameron Riddle

      Duhhhhhh….Things that are wrong with the USA are not a justification for brainwashing and abuse of children in the Islamic world (or anywhere).

      “…and dosent look at the country with the most child abuse , its not any muslim country”

      Your spelling is bloody awful. Apart from that, are you able to document the claim you make that the USA is the country with the most child abuse in the world, or are you just here to embarrass yourself? Even if the USA is the country in the world with the most child abuse that does absolutely nothing to justify brainwashing and abuse of children in other parts of the world, as already (clearly and obviously) pointed out.

      1. Usama Khizar Avatar
        Usama Khizar

        and yes my spelling are worst , ur right , i’m not a english and i’m not embaressed of it , so if you are able to understand me thats all good . i’m not giving a test here for my english

      2. Usama Khizar Avatar
        Usama Khizar
        also i dont deny the fact that muslim countries are not infected with this child abuse but the truth is its more in west and aftrica(especially in south africa ) than in middle east or asia .

        you will try to quote some others link i know there is child abuse everywhere but this maryam namazie just only points out muslim child abuse which is not right ,if she is what she claims than try and do it nuetrally instead of focusing on religions and in those especially Islam.
        I think she’s half mad or full paid by some anti religion group or athesists
        Again dont give a shit to my spelling , make fun of it if you want dont matter to me

      3. Usama Khizar Avatar
        Usama Khizar

        also i dont think in first place that this video is a child abuse in anyways , how come the lil girls singing the christians song/verses in churches are different from this girl??????
        also there is no such thing to cover a girl in such age , its only to honor the verse she is reciting , so stop this shit maryam i know where ur roots go to

  2. Usama Khizar Avatar
    Usama Khizar

    Hey guys ,
    This whole post is full of shitz once again . … …
    Lol @ Maryam Namazie i cant believe how good she is at against commenting on religion , and yes remember i dont think ur a moslim cuz the one who points out weaknesses and other things in Islam without any real base evidence he/she challenges Allah S.W.T directly.
    Mohammad (P.B.U.H) and other all trained the child from the start .
    Lol they way u say the children should be kept away from religion means that they should find it themselves , whatever they choose, than give me this answer lol , why not leave the children and let them learn how to live how to grow up????? cuz we should be neutral not force anything on them , who knows what children like when they are babies???? u still give them food which is good for themm same way religion is good for them , whether its islam , christianity any other , the same way their food choices changes as they grow up they can change their religion themselves , ur posts each one is against religion and specifically in those against Islam i cant believe what will happen i dont think ur paying attention to what u post here …….
    One needs mind to do a critiscism , next time prepare and well and than shout againsst religions again.
    I hope the next child you make , you will let him choose whether to come out of u or not .

    1. Usama Khizar Avatar
      Usama Khizar

      And ya i dont think he/she will like to stay inside of u for too long

      1. Don Quijote Avatar
        Don Quijote

        Your comments here demonstrate perfectly how your religión has rotted your brain.

        1. Usama Khizar Avatar
          Usama Khizar

          hi there, i’m not a religious person u dumb person , but i know whats wrong and whats right .
          hope that answer, if i were a muslim who fully followed islam it would have been different comment from this one .

          1. Usama Khizar Avatar
            Usama Khizar

            also why teach them with education and technology ???? let them choose it when they grow up 18++??
            than teach them from the start A for apple B for bitch

          2. You say “i dont think ur a moslim cuz the one who points out weaknesses and other things in Islam without any real base evidence he/she challenges Allah S.W.T directly.”

            And you say religion is good for people, and you imply that indoctrination is the “right” part in the phrase “right from wrong.”

            Then you say you aren’t religious.
            I wonder – is the fact that your comments are contradictory and contain strong indications of dishonesty due to your having been brought up “right” with religion, and now are lying about not being religious?
            Or are they the result of you as an adult now claiming irreligiousness, no longer having the “good” influence of religion?

            There has to be some explanation.

          3. Usama Khizar Avatar
            Usama Khizar

            (You say “i dont think ur a moslim cuz the one who points out weaknesses and other things in Islam without any real base evidence he/she challenges Allah S.W.T directly.”

            And you say religion is good for people, and you imply that indoctrination is the “right” part in the phrase “right from wrong.”

            Then you say you aren’t religious.
            I wonder – is the fact that your comments are contradictory and contain strong indications of dishonesty due to your having been brought up “right” with religion, and now are lying about not being religious?
            Or are they the result of you as an adult now claiming irreligiousness, no longer having the “good” influence of religion?

            There has to be some explanation.)

            You pointed out some nice thing there , that i’m telling to be religious and talking good about religion and on the other hand i’m saying that i’m not religious…..
            Welll like i said earlier , i’m not religious , but that dosent imply that religions are bad and should be wiped out
            Me not following the religion dosent mean religions are bad, i am not that good at practicing religion due to own human weakness (laziness , health etc) thats why i said i dont do much practice , but that dosent mean i’m against a religion
            Without religion earth will be no more belive it or not
            Hope that answers your question .

  3. Send RD a “Sexism – together we can find a cure” shirt.

    I’m sure he’ll be happy to have his staff wash his car with it.

  4. Comtessa de metoncula Avatar
    Comtessa de metoncula

    I could not but agree more that this is blatant child abuse..The poor child looks like a Catholic nun..What a bloody nightmare!

    1. Usama Khizar Avatar
      Usama Khizar


  5. ‘BTW, Richard Dawkins may not have been a good choice for a photo just now’.

    What’s going to happen. We’ll face a sceptical inquisition? LOL

  6. Trebuchet Avatar

    You see the same type of thing in Christian chuches in the USA. There was one while back of a little boy denouncing gays.

    BTW, Richard Dawkins may not have been a good choice for a photo just now.

  7. […] saw this video on Maryam Namazie’s blog.  It’s a child giving a sermon in defense of the Koran.  I have no idea what she’s […]

  8. Bicarbonate Avatar

    She’s more reciting than giving a sermon. She’s memorized all this.

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