Mina Ahadi, spokesperson of the International Committee against Stoning (ICAS) will be speaking at the TEDxESPM conference on 29 September in São Paulo, Brazil. The day-long conference will see a host of Brazilian and international achievers talk on the theme of Communication Lighting up Minds.
Mina Ahadi’s speech at the conference coincides with the ‘Iran Solidarity Tour’ which has been organised by ICAS and Iran Solidarity. The Tour aims at building and expanding a solid and influential international network of support and solidarity with the people in Iran in their fight against the Islamic regime of Iran. In a series of events, meetings and campaigns, the Solidarity Tour will keep the struggle of the Iranian people in the world’s mind. Several meetings with organisations and government representatives in Europe and South America have been organised to lobby for the continued and outspoken support of people in Iran.
Mina Ahadi, International Committee against Stoning
Patty Debonitas, Iran Solidarity
20 September 2011
Iran Solidarity, Patty Debonitas, spokesperson, iransolidaritynow@gmail.com, +44 (0) 7435156444
International Committee against Stoning, Mina Ahadi, spokesperson, minaahadi@aol.com, +49 (0) 1775692413
The TEDxESPM conference will be broadcast live at the following link: http://www.tedxespm.com.br/
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