Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Moroccan activists defying fasting rules beaten; Join 20 July International Day to Defy Fasting Rules

On July 19th at 7.30pm, the Alternative Movement for Individual Liberties (M.A.L.I.) and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco held a sit-in in front of the parliament in Rabat, Morocco for the International Day to Defy Fasting Rules.

The sit in denounced the violation of freedom of conscience and called on the Moroccan government to repeal Article 222 of the penal code which is incompatible with international Human Rights Conventions signed and ratified by Morocco. Article 222 says “a person commonly known to be Muslim who violates the fast in a public place during Ramadan, without having one of the justifications allowed by Islam [such as travelling or sickness], shall be punished by one to six months in prison,” as well as a fine.

5 minutes into the start of the sit in, 6 non-uniformed police pushed, hit and insulted protesters. They also confiscated three phones and deleted contents of the photos taken as well as photos including that of a Dutch journalist, a laptop and some IDs. This attack in condemned.

On 20 July, International Day to Defy Fasting Rules during Ramadan, join Bread and Roses TV in eating and drinking in public in solidarity with people in Iran, Morocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq… who are beaten, flogged, fined, imprisoned and harassed for contravening compulsory fasting.

To fast or not to fast in a personal choice. The state has no place in imposing religious rules on society.

Join the 20 July international day to defy fasting rules. You can also join Facebook Event.

I and the Bread and Roses team will be in Hyde Park at  1pm across from Serpentine Cafe picnicking. Where will you be? Picnic or eat in public at 1pm to show your solidarity.

Send us photos or videos of your action to be broadcast on our programme.

A media outlet linked to the Islamic regime of Iran has condemned our call for eating in public to challenge compulsory fasting rules. All the more reason to do it…

Join us today.

Bread and Roses
نان و گل سرخ
Twitter: @NanoGoleSorkh
Telephone: +44 20 3287 6128


One response to “Moroccan activists defying fasting rules beaten; Join 20 July International Day to Defy Fasting Rules”

  1. it’s “nan wa gul-i-surkh”. maryam, stop bringing iranian illiteracy to the world.

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