For Immediate Release
Sunday 14 January 2007

According to information received by the International Committee Against Execution, the charges against Nazanin Fatehi, the teenager under a sentence of death in Iran, have been dropped. She will probably be released from jail next week.

Earlier today, the court sitting in Tehran decided on Nazanin’s case and told the defence lawyers that she would not have to face execution but has to pay financial compensation before she is released.

The defence lawyers are planning to oppose the compensation ruling and are demanding that she be released immediately on bail.

The Save Nazanin Campaign will follow Nazanin’s case and keep the public and the press informed of her situation.

The International Committee Against Execution congratulates all those who have helped and supported the campaign to save Nazanin’s life.

This is a victory for humanity and against ignorance and laws of retribution.

Mina Ahadi
International Committee Against Execution


  1. Congratulations to all that made the effort to assist Ms. Fatehi.I personally posted the request for action on a forum i belong to as well as e-mailing all the responsible Government officials in my country,Canada, and as well e-mailed all my contacts around the world.There is no doubt in my mind that these efforts played a major role in this marvelous outcome.Reproduced below is the forum post and the e-mail i sent after i became aware of the great news.”It is with extreme pleasure that i write to congratulate all of you that read my initial post on this thread and took it upon yourself to try and do something.In case you have not heard Ms. Fatehi has had the charges against her dismissed and is no longer under sentence of death.According to the reports i have heard and read it was due to the overwhelming protests made all around the world that achieved this result.We can all hope that this will cause the Iranian regime to think the next time before they do this type of behaviour and that it may also impact the thinking of other totalitarian regimes to think twice.I am including a web link so that you may go and read the report on the finalization of her situation. Well done.In my opinion this shows the power of the individual to affect change in the collectivity of their actions and voices.…-acquitted.html True North

  2. Thanks so much for reporting this. I felt very strongly about this issue and am glad that the courts came to their senses. Victory!

  3. I am so happy to hear the news and the announcement has granted me more enthusism to work for more oppressed women and release them from various cahins – domestic, social, state and so on and so on. We have to work untiringly for releasing our women folk from such bondages.Rosaline CostaHuman Rights AdvocateBangladesh

  4. Great news! Congratulations. Dr Richard Thain, past pres Humanist Assn Ottawa, Canada”Men are destined to reason wrongly; others, not to reason at all: and others to persecute those who do reason.” -Voltaire,Philosophical Dictionary, 1764

  5. A wonderful victory for all people. Now a person can live their life the way life is mean’t to be lived.From all of us at the clarington Durham Region Humanist group in Canada we celebrate with you on this special

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