Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

New 5 by 5 anti-veil movement in Iran

Today is the beginning of the anti-hejab 5 by 5 movement in Iran.

As of today, every Thursday (Thursday is panjshnabeh in Persian and has a 5 in its name) at 5pm women will unveil for 5 seconds in the Iranian cities of Tehran, Mashad and Shiraz.

Since veiling is compulsory in Iran, the short time frame is to allow for mass action without large numbers of arrests. The organisers have called on women in other cities to join in.

As one of the organisers has said: ‘We have a lot of problems in the society but the veil symbolises all of them…’

Of course, the practice of unveiling or ‘improper’ veiling is a long-time form of resistance in Iran. There have been unveilings particularly at 8 March International Women’s Day events. Women do it in all the time. See two such photos below:

Street sign below reads: Wearing the Islamic Veil is Compulsory

Street sign below reads: The implementation of the plan to raise morality is a national and religious demand

Via Keyvan Javid of Alayhe Tabeez publication


8 responses to “New 5 by 5 anti-veil movement in Iran”

  1. So wanting to be treated like a human bring and not muffled in stifling cloth all day is just a silly little special privilege?


    Best of luck to them, do update us.

    1. See above.

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  3. I doubt it will occur without mass arrests; its a comically awful plan, it also shows that the so-called democrats in Iran (who took to the streets in support Mousavi who is genuinely proud in his role of forming anti-Semitic death squads) are really just Persian supremacists who want extra privileges, I doubt any of these girls are going to say a thing about Iran’s war of ethnic cleansing against Ahwazi Arab civilians or other minorities in Iran.

    1. So unless you fight EVERY battle all at once, you’re a racist? Please, tell me what you’re doing right now for every oppressed minority everywhere on the planet.

      1. Thats not my point at all, let me go over it again since I have to explain these things constantly.

        1. This is a pretty bad idea, especially since the IRI has probably has a complete list of activists thanks to the green movement’s naivete about the internet

        2. I didn’t say that they have to fight every battle but none of these people ever mention a thing about Ahwazi Arabs, Hazaras or other minorities which doesn’t just reveal an ethnic supremacist mentality; the green movement said nothing about the Ahwazi Arabs but quite a lot of praise for a hezbo founder. It also shows a lack of strategic thought, if you do want to change a regime its best to make as many allies as possible and for them to ignore the sheer amount of dissent from non-Persians is idiotic.

        3. I’m not living in a theocracy so that argument doesn’t work.

  4. Upright Ape Avatar
    Upright Ape

    The regime must be very proud. They all lived most, or all, of their lives under this system and were as heavily exposed to its propaganda as it gets. It didn’t work is and it never will.

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