All this talk forbidding us to speak has brought to mind Shahryar Ghanbari’s wonderful song, Forbidden. The lyrics and video are below.

Sea’s blue, forbidden
The desire to see, forbidden
The love of two fish, forbidden
Together and alone, forbidden

For a new love, one need’s no permission

Whispers, forbidden
Shadows dancing, forbidden
Stolen kisses in your dreams, forbidden

For a new dream, one needs no permission

In this internal exile
Say what you must say
Write poems, simply say
long live life
Say long live life

To write a new poem, one needs no permission

Writing about you, forbidden
Even to complain, forbidden
The pleasant fragrance of a woman, forbidden
You are forbidden; I am forbidden!

To start a new day, one needs no permission



  1. THat is a superb song. I don’t speak Farsi so I could not understand the lyrics. Thanks for providing a translation.

    I wish Iranian art, music and literature were better known here in the UK.

  2. Beautiful song, Maryam.
    I don’t understand the words so thanks for the translation.
    And beautiful guitar work.

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