Sudanese atheist and ex-Muslim, Nahla Mahmoud, speaks her mind against Sharia law on channel 4Thought TV and says that Sharia has no place in Britain or the world and that there must be one secular law for all.
The only other sane voice amongst the seven interviewed on “what Sharia can offer Britain” is that of gay Muslim Omar Kuddus. [The third opponent is a Christian evangelist but we’ll ignore his as I am only speaking of sane voices here.]
The other 4 are pro-Sharia and completely insane.
Abu Usamah says Islam will dominate the world and that we need to appreciate Sharia and go beyond stoning of adulterers and cutting off of hands…
Ali-Ridha Jaffer adds that whilst people might say Sharia is barbaric, it works (!)
Amra Bone, the only female member of the Sharia Council (who can’t even make a decision on her own without male Sharia judges), says it protects women.
And there is the fourth proponent who likes the fact that under Sharia the family can decide on retribution in murder cases or get blood money…
Err, long live 21st century values?
You can see all the interviews here.
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