To download the Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar, click here.

En Francais

تقویم انقلابیون برهنه

On 8 March 2012 International Women’s Day, the Nude Photo Revolutionaries Calendar was launched in homage to Egyptian atheist, student and blogger Aliaa Magda Elmahdy who posted a nude photo of herself, announcing the post on Twitter under the hashtag, #NudePhotoRevolutionary.

The calendar is the idea of campaigner Maryam Namazie to support Aliaa Magda Elmahdy and join her ‘screams against a society of violence, racism, sexism, sexual harassment and hypocrisy’.

Namazie says: ‘What with Islamism and the religious right being obsessed with women’s bodies and demanding that we be veiled, bound, and gagged, nudity breaks taboos and is an important form of resistance.’

The calendar is designed by SlutWalk Co-founder Toronto, Sonya JF Barnett who says: ‘I felt that women needed to stand in solidarity with Aliaa. It takes a lot of guts to do what she did, and the backlash is always expected and can quite hurtful. She needed to know that there are others like her, willing to push the envelope to express outrage.’

Others who join the ‘scream’ include mother and daughter Anne Baker and Poppy Wilson St James, teacher Luisa Batista, We are Atheism Founder Amanda Brown, atheist bloggers Greta Christina and Emily Dietle, FEMEN activist Alena Magelat, photographer Mallorie Nasrallah, actress Cleo Powell, freethinker Nina Sankari , writer Saskia Vogel, and mother Maja Wolna. The women are photographed by Julian Baker, Adam Brown, Grzegorz Brzezicki, Lucy Fox-Bohan, Agnieszka Hodowana, Ben Hopper, N. Maxwell Lander, Mallorie Nasrallah, Mark Neurdenburg, Vitaliy Pavlenko, and Michael Rosen.

On nudity and the calendar, Mallorie Nasrallah says: ‘When a tool of oppression can be turned in to an assertion of power, it is a beautiful thing. Nudity when celebrated harms no one, and when made shameful and barbaric harms everyone.’ Nina Sankari says: ‘In solidarity with Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, I would like to stress that our bodies (and thoughts) belong to us and to nobody else.’ Anne Baker says ‘Men in frocks constrain, control and intimidate women the world over in the name of God … it has to stop.’ Greta Christina says: ‘Sexual freedom is an important freedom — but it’s one that commonly gets ignored or trivialized.’ Maja Wolna says: ‘Irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, religion or culture we are equal. Personal dignity is a foundation of human civilization.’ Amanda Brown says: ‘Dogma will never determine where I sit, what I wear, or how I live’ and Poppy Wilson St. James says: ‘I find it strange that it is more acceptable to see on screen violence and guns than even a nipple. There is something wrong with our mindset if that is what we accept as the norm and shy away from nudity which is a completely natural state’.

Saskia Vogel says: ‘This calendar hopefully will reach people who are uncomfortable with empowered female nudity, and encourage them to reconsider their feelings about the nude figure.’ Luisa Batista says: ‘I think the calendar is important, because it may help to open people’s eyes and hearts. Women – and men – who are afraid, may find courage and feel supported by the quotes and faces and bodies of the people in the calendar.’ Alena Magelat says: ‘Our naked body is our challenge to patriarchy, dictatorship and violence. Smart people we inspire; dictators are horrified’.

The women in the calendar stand firm in solidarity with Aliaa Magda Elmahdy and the countless women across the world who are denied basic rights, freedoms and dignity.

Join the ‘Scream’ on Facebook and on Twitter under the hashtag #NudePhotoRevolutionary.

To Download the Calendar, click here.

The calendar is now SOLD OUT. Thanks to all who supported the project. You can still donate via Paypal to support an international conference on women’s rights, free expression and secularism to be held in London in March 2014.

To see a video of Iranian women in support of the calendar, produced by Reza Moradi, view below or click here.

Here is another act of solidarity from a group of women and men in Iran and one from two women in Iran.

To read Maryam Namazie’s interview with NOW Lebanon on ‘stripping for Iran’, click here.

To see extensive media coverage on the Nude Calendar, click here.

To leave comments on this, click here.

For more information, contact:
Maryam Namazie
BM Box 1919
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731



  1. I greatly respect you and wish you safe journey, but nudity is of women, always If a woman goes nude in public she is often (in the west) celebrated, if a man went nude in public he would be arrested as a pervert and sex offender. True equality needs to correct this inequality also.

    1. I hugely disagree with that LuisM. As a woman, (living in the west), I walk out in a mid length skirt and buttoned up blouse and men leer and making vulgar and threatening calls at me. Often, I ignore them and they call be a “stuck up bitch”. One man even followed me. If I smile and politely tell them I’m not interested, I’ve been told to “stop playing coy and get a dick in my mouth”. If I ask them firmly, it still gets a negative response.

      So if as a woman, I walk around covered and I feel threatened my men, how do you honestly think I could walk around naked and feel safe?

      Street harassment is not celebration, it’s making me feel scared to walk alone during the day.

      1. I’d be very interested in where you walk around and get such comments! I’d also be interested in what percentage of men you meet on the street leer at you and make rude, inappropriate, vulgar comments and suggestions! I’m not saying that it hasn’t happened to you, it may well have, but how often exactly does this sort of thing happen to you?

        I’m sure that you have come across some very unpleasant men. I have come across unpleasant and rude men and women all over the world. However, most people in most countries are on the whole very polite and pleasant, including many people I have met in several countries around the Middle East that I have visited over the years. Having said that, only when visiting countries in the Middle East was it apparently normal for men to grope the bottoms of female tourists… and more if they could get away with it. Nowhere else in the world did I have to chaperone female friends and family, especially if they were blond! It seems strange to me that anyone should advocate the merits of Islam when it appears that large numbers of the population cannot control their baser desires and impulses.

        In Europe, as a whole, the population seem to be able to respect one another and refrain from jumping on each other and having wild, passionate sex in public just because a woman wears a bikini, or goes topless on the beach, sits in a restaurant in a backless dress, rides on the bus with her legs and arms bared, walks in the park with her head uncovered, etc.

        Maybe if Islamic leaders of every kind didn’t spend so much time telling anyone who will listen that any woman who isn’t swathed in clothing from head to toe is a whore (and apparently ‘fair game’ for any Muslim man) there would be more respect for all women (and people in general) regardless of who they are, what they believe, how they dress, etc.

        It’s easy to respect someone when they agree with you, but real respect is evident when someone doesn’t agree with you. Islamists need to learn this lesson of respect and tolerance! I don’t mind what you wear, believe, eat, drink, etc… until you try to force your ideas and beliefs on me. That is not tolerant, or right.

    1. میشه عکس لخت خودتو هم بزاری ببینیم حال کنیم
      اگر آبجی هم داری عکس اونارو هم بزار
      کاشی میشد یک شب باهم بخوابیم

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