Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Join 1 October protest in London’s Trafalgar Square in solidarity with women’s revolution in Iran

22-year-old Mahsa Amini was visiting Tehran from Saqez, Iranian Kurdistan when she was arrested on 13 September for ‘improper’ veiling by the morality police.

She was badly beaten according to eyewitnesses, arriving brain-dead at the hospital. She died in intensive care on 16 September.

Outrage over her murder has sparked unprecedented protests across Iran. The slogans of these protests include: ‘Down with Dictator,’ We don’t want an Islamic government,’ ‘We don’t want an anti-women government.’

The main slogan of the protests: ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ with women taking the lead, removing and burning their veils, united with men against the Islamic regime in Iran.

This woman’s revolution must be supported by people everywhere.

On 1 October, join the global day of solidarity with protests in Iran in cities across the globe. In London, the protest will be at Trafalgar Square at 2pm. Please come and stand with women and men in Iran challenging theocracy and misogyny of which compulsory veiling is a pillar.





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