October 2012 is here. The photo for this month’s Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar is that of topless activist of the FEMEN movement, Alena Magelat.

By the way, here is her censored photo for Facebook since it doesn’t allow nudity…

The calendar is the idea of campaigner Maryam Namazie to support Aliaa Magda Elmahdy and join her ‘screams against a society of violence, racism, sexism, sexual harassment and hypocrisy’.

You can download the calendar or purchase it here and join the scream on Facebook or Tweet #NudePhotoRevolutionary Calendar.

To read Maryam Namazie’s interview with NOW Lebanon on ‘stripping for Iran’, click here.

To see extensive media coverage on the Nude Calendar, click here.



    1. hate to complain too, but I can’t help feeling that this woman is practising self-censorship of her vulva, which is a bit of a sop to Islamism … notwithstanding: massive respect.

  1. I can’t tell if #4 isn’t just a variation on the old joke:

    “The food here is terrible!”
    “Yes, and the portions are so small!”

    It’s amusing that the censored version only covers up the breasts. The original evokes images from 1960’s San Francisco.

  2. Will someone explain how this sort of bimbo-esque exhibitionism advances the cause of rational sedularism, feminism, democracy, animal rights, or anything else?

  3. Awesome job. An assertive stance and a great example imho of the difference between nude and sexualized, something many people haven’t learned to distinguish, and of why this is a good idea for some cultures but not for others (the americanized western one).

    “What’s problematic is the commodification and objectification of women’s bodies and not nudity in and of itself. Nudity, in the way that Aliaa portrayed it or is portrayed in the calendar, is deeply humanizing.”

    You have my admiration and my money!

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