I recently got this email asking to look at ‘evidence’ that ‘the Quran is supernatural’. I’ll do that after I review ‘evidence’ from my 6 year old that Santa Claus really exists but in case any of you are bored out of your minds, you might want to have a go. If not – gasp, horror – he will note on his website that the ‘ex-muslims declined’. Please, please don’t let it get to that point. Here’s his email:
The reason why I am contacting this exmuslim council is because I would like to get your opinion on our claim that the Quran is supernatural due to the scientific, prophetical and archaeological evidence… which proves that a mere man could not have written it.
I would like to get your views on this and share it with others. Or would there be someone you know who would be interested in participating in looking over our evidences?
You can visit my Islamic apologetic website and click on the evidence for Islam tab.
Upon refusal we will note on our website that you did approach … but exmuslms declined.
I have had some previous debates you can view online, you can see this recent one here.
Please let me know
Nadir Ahmed
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