The Islamic regime of Iran’s machinery of execution has never stopped since its inception. The wave of repression, killings and executions has intensified, especially in Baluchistan, Kurdistan and Khuzestan. The numbers of executed this month alone have been at least 142 people; so far this year, 307 people have been executed in Iran. Many more are at risk.

We, left, democratic, feminist, LGBTQIA+, and anti-national oppression activists, collectives and organisations have faced repression, censorship and torture like many others. In exile and as refugees, many of us continue to face threats and harassment. Nonetheless, we have persisted in organising and mobilising solidarity with people’s resistance against oppression, including during the current Jina (Mahsa) Amini political and social revolution.

The stepped-up executions and long-term prison sentences are attempts by the regime to suppress widespread protests and opposition to its rule. Every precious life taken by the Islamic Republic is further evidence against the regime, which must face unequivocal outrage and condemnation via a united stand against executions.

Past experience has shown that the regime will continue to arrest, kidnap, torture and execute people in the streets, at universities and schools and at workplaces if it does not face resistance from people in Iran and abroad.

Our institutions, organisations and activists abroad call for an International Day to Rise Up Against Executions in Iran on Saturday 24 June 2023 in solidarity with the revolution and people of Iran and against the executions and suppression.

We call on people everywhere to join us and resist.

#WomanLifeFreedomOur Collective Rage: Rise Up Against Executions in Iran

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