حجاب: جلوگیری از تحمیل عرف

حجاب: جلوگیری از تحمیل عرف

این مقاله اولین بار در نشریه انگلیسی زبان ’رهایی کارگران’ در دفاع از ممنوعیت حجاب کودکان در ۲۷ نوامبر ۲۰۱۹ منتشر شد. English مریم نمازی…

Defend Protests in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon

Defend Protests in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon

Farsi, Arabic and French translations below. Nationwide protests in Iran against a 50% fuel price hike over the last few days has seen widespread suppression…

Apostasy, Blasphemy and Free Expression

Apostasy, Blasphemy and Free Expression

See video footage of a discussion on apostasy from Islam, blasphemy and free expression with the brilliant Sarah Haider and Shabana Rehman in Oslo at…

Maryam Namazie on the freedom to choose.

Maryam Namazie on the freedom to choose.

By Souwie I met Maryam Namazie at the Celebrating Dissent festival in Amsterdam recently. As co-organiser of this unique gathering, it soon became clear that Maryam was…