Who speaks for British Muslims

A few days ago, BBC Newsnight showed a programme by Maajid Nawaz entitled “Who speaks for British Muslims” (you can see it below). Over the…

Diversity Awards

Several people have nominated me for the National Diversity Awards as a positive role model. Thank you! Though I have a sneaky feeling that I…

Happy Nowrooz!

Happy Nowrooz all! Here’s our Haft Seen table. looks a bit sad! There is a lot to be grateful in the New Year, including family,…

در دفاع از برهنگى

 جديد مصاحبه ديروز من با فرانسه ۲۴ ****** دوستان زيادى دلايل اعتراض برهنگى ام را از من پرسيدند. بزودى توضيحات بيشترى خواهم داد (اما امشب…

Nude protest for Intl Women’s Day

Today, 8 March, International Women’s Day, Amina Sboui, Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, Solmaz Vakilpour, Safia Lebdi, Meriam Russel and myself protested nude in support of women’s…

69 hours left to help…

37 wonderful people have given £1,790 to make our taboo-breaking, free-thinking TV magazine a reality. The donation that has pleased us the most so far…