I am left cursing

Here’s a video of a young man being executed in Iran. He wants to say goodbye to his mother who can be heard screaming in…

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani attempted suicide

According to Mina Ahadi and the International Committee against Stoning, Iran stoning case Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani attempted suicide in Tabriz prison and was transferred to…

David Bleines Tribute

David Bleines died yesterday. Our most sincere condolences to his family and loved ones. David was a fine, kind and brave man. A secularist with…

Do something useful on valentine’s day

Why not do something useful on valentine’s Day (besides eating chocolate) and support political prisoners in Iran. Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran is…

The Square makes your heart sing

Unfortunately the magnificent film Al Midan (The Square) on the Egyptian revolution by female director Jehane Noujaim is no longer available on Youtube but the trailer…


UPCOMING EVENTS HOLD THESE DATES Fundraiser for Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain: Marlene Dietrich – an affectionate tribute Date: Thursday 27 February 2014 Time: 19:30-21:45…