Not an Islamic revolution

The Islamic regime of Iran celebrates the “Islamic revolution” today. But Islamism has only brought untold misery and brutality to the people of Iran (and…


Young people in Tunisia are posting videos of themselves dancing to Pharrell’s Happy song as a form of defiance. Islamists have said the dancing is…

On World Hijab Day

World Hijab Day Editorial from latest issue of Fitnah’s Unveiled 1 February is World Hijab Day. What next? Maybe a World Mutilation Day to show…

When will LibDems side with us?

It’s not surprising that the Liberal Democrats have again sided with Islamist values at the expense of Muslims, ex-Muslims and others. Not surprising but frustrating…

UK’s smacking law like Sharia

You can smack a child in the UK if it’s for “reasonable chastisement and does not leave a serious mark”. It reminds me of the Sharia…