International Labour Solidarity Committee of the Worker-communist Party of Iran
23 October 2008
The Islamic regime of Iran’s judiciary has just recently issued jail sentences for 4 of Vaahed workers, namely Ata Babakhaani, Said Toraabiyaan, Yaqub Salimi, and Ali Zaadehoseyni. They have been convicted of participating in the 2005 strike and acting against national security. They have been sentenced to 6 to 14 months of suspended imprisonment. This has occurred against the backdrop of Mansour Osaanloo, the president of Vaahed Syndicate, having been in jail for over a year now.
The International Labour Solidarity Committee of the Worker-communist Party of Iran condemns this shameful act on the part of the regime. We thank all trade unions across the world for their extensive, continued solidarity so far with the struggles of the workers and the people of Iran. At the same time, we request all trade unions, as well as all other organisations, to continue their support for the workers of Iran and, in particular, protest the present jail sentences on for Vaahed workers resolutely and unconditionally. The trumped up charges against these workers must be dropped. Masour Osaanloo, along with all other political prisoners, must be released immediately and unconditionally.
We are looking forward to receiving the news of the widest global actions in protest to the shameful jail sentences for Ata Babakhaani, Said Toraabiyaan, Yaqub Salimi, and Ali Zaadehoseyni.
Fore more information, visit the committee’s site.
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