Today, I will be joining a debate at Oxford Union entitled this house believes religion is not responsible for terrorism.

The event will be held in conjunction with Strategic Foresight Group, a global ‘think tank’ based in Mumbai, which recently published the report – ‘An Inclusive World – In which the West, Islam and the Rest have a stake’.


  1. I greet your effort in denouncing the false interpretations of Ku ran, and all those people that try do say something with dealing of death and destruction. You say that all that is created by Allah is perfect, and Christians say the same thing. Although I am not a Muslim, I greet your effort, for the world has seen enough violent gods and religions.

  2. The Bible (Matthew 22) states that Christians are to love their God with all their being and to love their neighbours as themselves. That this does not (has not) happen(ed) as much as it should, confirms the fallen nature of man, as described throughout the Bible. The God of Christianity is indeed one of love – anybody can grab a copy of a contemporary version of the Bible to read this for themselves. As for other religions…

  3. Communism is not a religion. It is a social philosophy. A person cannot become communist just by worshiping Marx, Engels, Lenin and other communist leaders. I follow philosophies of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Kollontai, Stalin and Mao. So, I am communist. Religion and capitalism, both are terroristic. Before World War II, many capitalists used to worship Adolph Hitler who was very hardcore anti-communist. After defeat of Hitler, they stopped praising Hitler explicitly. At first Winston Churchill also praised Hitler but he joined with Russia when Hitler planned to attack British Empire.

  4. Religon has everything to do with terrorism????So let me guess your going to do away with religion and everything will be alright. So, I ask what are you going to do with all the muslims, jews, christians, hindus, buddhism? You communist going to tell people they cant practice there religion ah yes thats right you will teach people to worship the communist govenrment.

  5. ALLAH – A PERFECT GOD – A GOD OF REASONTHE CREATION OF A NEW MODERN ISLAM Islam was created as a closed, rigid, fundamentalist, totalitarian system. The two main tenets of this totalitarianism was the use of terror to maintain this dictatorial system and the subrogation of women. Anyone who ties to reform this religion can be killed. Anyone who seeks to leave the religion can be killed. All unbelievers must either submit, pay a tax, or be murdered as a religious duty. Islam needs to be reformed and new ideas need to be incorporated for fresh thinking and survival. Reformation will be resisted by Islamic fundamentalists with violence and terrorism. For the future of our freedom, peace and life this reform must be undertaken. A reformed Islam will have more influence and acceptance around the world.The Reform of Islam is a life and death issue for civilization. The greatest danger mankind faces is the smuggling of a nuclear weapon by an Islamic Fundamentalist into a major western city killing millions in the name of and to the greater glory of ALLAH. If the hateful teachings (listed below) are not removed from Islam this is the disaster that will destroy civilization as we know it. It will dramatically change human history forever. The stakes are that high.All peace loving Muslims who believe in the teachings of an ALLAH of PEACE AND LOVE must stand up and demand the reform of Islam. If Islam is reformed then it will no longer be a totalitarian system on a par with Nazism, Communism and Fascism. To take man’s natural Concept of ALLAH, a conception of Peace and Love and Goodness, an all Wise, all Loving ALLAH for all mankind, and turn ALLAH – by bastardizing his teachings into a murderous ALLAH of hate, death and destruction, for the creation of a totalitarian system is one of the greatest sins that can be committed against ALLAH. In order to reform Islam we must start with the following declaration: ALLAH AS THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE – THE CREATOR OF ALL LIVING THINGS IS PERFECT. ALLAH AS A PERFECT GOD – IS A GOD OF REASON ALL TEACHINGS OF ALLAH – A PERFECT GOD – MUST BE PERFECTANY WRITINGS IN ANY RELIGIOUS TEXT THAT ARE NOT PERFECT ARE NOT THE TEACHINGS OF ALLAH BUT THE TEACHINGS OF MANAS A PERFECT GOD – A GOD OF REASON – ALLAH IS ALL PEACE AND LOVE AND GOODNESSALL MANKIND ARE THE CHILDREN OF ALLAHALL CHILDREN OF ALLAH ARE CREATED EQUAL AND THEIR LIVES ARE SACRED TO ALLAHALLAH IS NOT AN IRRATIONAL BEING. IF ALLAH IS IRRATIONAL THEN ALLAH IS NOT PERFECT AND THEREFORE SINCE ALLAH CANNOT BE IMPERFECT AN IRRATIONAL ALLAH IS NOT GODThe above lays the intellectual framework for an Islamic Reformation.All teachings in the Koran and all Islamic texts (written or verbal) that are not PERFECT are not the teachings of ALLAH – A PERFECT GOD – A GOD OF REASON but the teachings of man. This means that all teachings recorded in the Koran and all other Islamic texts, revelations, writings, sayings, fatwas of murder, killing, death and destruction, violence, hate, suicide bombers, violent jihad, terrorism, torture, maiming, wife beating, inferiority of woman, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, honor killings, stoning, cutting off limbs, child sex, bigotry, intolerance, slavery, inequality of infidels, inequality of any human being, that infidels can be murdered as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, etc are irrational AND NOT THE PERFECT TEACHINGS OF ALLAH – A PERFECT GOD – A GOD OF REASON – A GOD OF ALL LOVE AND PEACE. All Imams/ Fundamentalists who quote these phrases from the Koran are blaspheming against Allah. Osma bin laden and all other terrorists who issue Fatwas calling for death and destruction are blaspheming Allah – A PERFECT GOD – A GOD OF REASON.By teaching young Muslims that ALLAH IS A PERFECT GOD – A GOD OF REASON – that all the teachings of ALLAH – A PERFECT GOD MUST BE PERFECT we will occupy the moral and intellectual unassailable high ground. All the above mentioned teachings of Jihad, killing of infidels, terrorism etc are sins against ALLAH – A PERFECT GOD – A GOD OF LOVE AND PEACE. No ALLAH who is ALLAH would ever preach that killing and murdering of any human being in his name will be rewarded by accession to paradise. You cannot climb to heaven on the corpses of the murdered. No ALLAH who is ALLAH would ever create a Paradise full of big breasted sexual nymphs. All such teachings are the commands of evil men and false prophets. If ALLAH commanded that infidels (or any other human being) be killed then he would be irrational and evil and no longer PERFECT – no longer GOD. This is the only way to rescue Islam from these brutal killersThe Reformation of Islam is an issue of conscience. Islam as it is presently constituted is an issue of conscience and its Reform is definitely the concern of all peace loving, democratic believing peoples everywhere. Violence in Islam is a direct threat to all mankind. It is an issue of National Security not only for the West but also for Muslim countries.Least we all forget – it is mostly Muslims who are suffering and being killed and blown up in horrific numbers. Since 911 – over 150,000 Muslims have been murdered by their fellow Muslims in the worst ways imaginable.Murder, suicide bombings, violence, etc are evil. When these evil acts are committed in the name of and to the greater glory of ALLAH – this is the greatest evil that anyone can commit. Again to kill and murder so you can ascend to a Paradise of Big Breasted Nymphs to rape and molest for all eternity – this is truly evil incarnate.Any Muslim who supports suicide bombers, acts of violence – if they continue to support this evil – are not Muslims – they are blaspheming against the very essence of ALLAH – A GOD OF PEACE AND LOVE – A PERFECT GOD OF REASON. Any Muslim, who commits acts of violence, acts of terrorism, acts of violent jihad in the name of ALLAH are not Muslims – they’re just MURDERERS. All teachings in the Koran that are not of ALLAH – A PERFECT GOD OF REASON – blaspheme ALLAH and are evil. They must be renounced and denounced totally and completely WITHOUT EQUIVOCATION. These teachings must be removed from the Koran and a NEW MODERN KORAN published. The publication of a MODERN KORAN will be an instant worldwide best seller.WHY THESE TEACHINGS OF VIOLENCE AND SUBROGATION OF WOMEN MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE KORAN?By leaving these violent and abhorrent teachings in the Koran, we are in effect saying that these teachings are NORMAL. We are basically acquiescing to evil. We can no longer allow Peace Loving Muslims to declare Islam as a religion of Peace and Love and tolerance etc while leaving in the Koran and Islamic texts -teachings of terror, death and destruction, subrogation of women, intolerance, hate etc. We can no longer allow these Muslims to live in a fantasy world of an ALLAH of all Goodness while the Koran contains teachings of a hateful, murderous ALLAH – the ANTI ALLAH. By demanding that Peace Loving Muslims prove that they are truly peace loving – by removing these evil teachings from the Koran – will be a TRUE MOMENT OF CATHARSIS FOR ISLAM.The Koran is accepted by all Muslims as the word of God – not subject to change- not even by one word. By forcing Muslims to confront these evil passages they will be forced to answer the following question:Is Muhammad A False Prophet Or Is ALLAH A False Prophet?Answer:ALLAH AS THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE – THE CREATOR OF ALL LIVING THINGS IS PERFECT. AS A PERFECT GOD – ALL TEACHINGS OF ALLAH – MUST BE PERFECTAs stated above – this means that all teachings recorded in the Koran and all other Islamic texts, revelations, writings, sayings, fatwas of murder, killing, death and destruct
    ion, violence, hate, suicide bombers, violent jihad, terrorism, torture, maiming, wife beating, inferiority of woman, subrogation of women, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, honor killings, stoning, cutting off limbs, child sex, bigotry, intolerance, slavery, inequality of infidels, inequality of any human being, that infidels can be murdered as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, etc are irrational AND NOT THE PERFECT TEACHINGS OF ALLAH. They are THE TEACHINGS OF MAN.If Muhammad taught his followers that the above teachings were the WORDS of ALLAH then he is a false prophet since as a PERFECT GOD – ALLAH never would have given such revelations to Muhammad. If however, ALLAH issued any of these teachings to Muhammad then he is no longer PERFECT and therefore no longer GOD. Indeed the false PROPHET would be ALLAH. An evil false PROPHET. Once these teachings are removed – Islam will be a TRUE Religion of Peace. Issues such as environmentalism, modern family life, poverty in the third world – modern issues that did not exist 1400 years ago – should be added to this New Modern Koran. By reforming Islam – a truly great New Koran can be created that all Muslims can take pride in. Again – the printing of a new Koran will be a truly historic day for mankind. And it will be a worldwide best seller. By,Larry Houlewww.godofreason.comE-mail:

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