Hassan Radwan just sent in the following translation – It’s not subtitled but this is my translation below – btw the narrator is Nesrin is a Lebanese member of CEMB and bornwithoutreligion is the woman in the video:

Look at her

No No do not turn your look away from her

She is hope, She is life, she is love, She is the hearts desire

No, she is the power to survive

I missed you by the right of freedom

You who created existence

You are hope you are life you are love you are the hearts desire

You are the power to survive

The Awakening is you

The sunrise, is you

Wake up now… now…

Freedom… freedom… freedom…



  1. Forgive my ignorance, but the women I see at the grocery store or at school wearing even just hijab… wear all that drapery about their heads and necks? In the summer heat? Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is a complete idiot.

    I’m obviously not Muslim.

    I hope the writer and actress are not in positions to receive repercussions for their work.

    It would be wonderful to see an English translation of the script.

  2. Translation of the above:

    Look at her

    No, No, do not turn your glance away from her

    She is hope, She is life, she is love, She is the hearts desire

    No, she is the power to survive

    I missed you by the right of freedom

    You who created existence

    You are hope you are life you are love you are the hearts desire

    You are the power to survive

    The Awakening, is you

    The Sunrise, is you

    Wake up now… now…

    Freedom… Freedom… Freedom…

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