Tag: gender segregation
Gender segregation is humiliating and damaging
Segregation was humiliating. Just the reality of signs that said you couldn’t use front doors or you couldn’t use this water fountain implied that you were subhuman … Every time I complied with a sign, I felt like I was acquiescing to my own inhumanity. I felt outraged and hated it. – Diane Nash, a leader of…
Court of Appeal: gender segregation is sex discrimination
Join protest at Court of Appeal hearing on 11 and 12 July 2017 at 9.30am at Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL. Pack out the public gallery in the court so that the judiciary is under no illusion as to what is at stake. Publicise our campaign widely. PRESS RELEASE 6 July 2017…
Equality and Human Rights Commission rules that gender segregation is unlawful
Press Release 23 July 2014 One Law for All, Southall Black Sisters, the Centre for Secular Space, and the LSESU Atheist Secularist Society have welcomed the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s (EHRC) ruling against gender segregation in universities and students’ unions. On 17 July, the EHRC published its guidance on gender segregation, stating that: “Gender…
Law Society, Gender Segregation, Islamism in Schools, our opposition to Sharia Watch campaign, October 2014 conference and new office space
Dear Friend I am writing to give you an update of our work. Law Society Protest One Law for All, Southall Black Sisters, Centre for Secular Space and LSE SUASH organised a successful 28 April rally at the Law Society to oppose the Society’s legitimisation of discriminatory Sharia-compliant rules. The rally finished with protesters tearing…
Survey on Gender Segregation at Universities
Dear friend One Law for All, in conjunction with Southall Black Sisters and Fitnah, is conducting a survey as part of a research project investigating the nature and impact of segregation, specifically gender segregation, at universities in the United Kingdom. If you have experienced gender segregation at a university, please take a few moments to…
To UN: UK Public institutions continue to fail to uphold an environment free of discrimination
14 January 2014 Ms. Farida Shaheed Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Dear Ms. Shaheed, We write to draw your attention to the increasing incidence of gender segregation on public university campuses in the United Kingdom, and to seek your intervention…
In support of professor Grayson and gender equality at York University
York University is standing by its sexist decision to allow a student to be excused from a group project because the presence of women interfered with his “firm religious beliefs” even after his professor refused the request. To defend professor Grayson and gender equality, please sign the petition here. Here’s a letter we have signed in…
Joint statement on legal note to Universities UK against their guidance condoning gender segregation
Joint statement of Southall Black Sisters, One Law for All, Fitnah – Movement for Women’s Liberation and LSE SU Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society We are pleased to learn of the legal note submitted to Universities UK (UUK) yesterday in the name of Radha Bhatt, a student of Cambridge University, against their Guidance condoning gender segregation.…
Campaign against gender segregation will persist
Dear friend Thank you so much for all your support during 2013, particularly for our most recent campaign against gender segregation at universities in the UK, which we organised in conjunction with Fitnah – Movement for Women’s Liberation, Southall Black Sisters, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and LSE Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society. Nearly 9,500…