Tag: olympics
Topless activism against the Olympics and Sharia law
As you know, we’ve been involved in some protests against the International Olympics Committee’s violation of its principles of gender equality and neutrality with regards Islamic states, veiling and inequality. On 25 July, One Law for All co-organised an event on this at which activist Sundas Hoorain spoke. Here is her speech. Tomorrow, FEMEN is organising…
25 July 2012: Protest against the Olympics Committee’s failure to implement principles of equality and neutrality
On 25 July 2012 in conjunction with the opening of the London Olympics, ‘London 2012: Justice for Women’ is organising a protest against the Olympics Committee’s failure to implement principles of equality and neutrality. The group’s concerns include the banning of female athletes in contravention of principles of equality by Saudi Arabia and the inclusion…
Apply Universal Olympic Principles!
One Law for All calls for the implementation, without exception, of the Olympic Charter based on universal principles.
The hijab is not cultural, it’s compulsory!
Have you noticed how they are always able to ‘compromise’ when it comes to women’s rights? Well at least that’s what they call it. According to FIFA, the Football Federation, the hijab is cultural, thereby allowing the Islamic Republic of Iran’s women footballers to participate in the Olympics.