Read my first response to questions/comments made on the One Law for All campaign and November 21 rally. It is about racist parties and their affinity with the Islamists.
You will need to go to the link to see the comment I am responding to:
Here it my response:
Thank you for your comments and questions. I have received a large number of emails too and will try and respond briefly to one every day until our rally on November 21.
Let me begin by responding to the one from the Stop Islamisation Of Europe (SIOE).
Of course there is much to say about them and their racist politics – and don’t worry – I will.
For now, however, suffice it to say that I find it comic how they – and the likes of the English Defence League or the British National Party – don’t see their affinity with the Islamists and the political Islamic movement.
Stephen Gash’ statement is a great case in point.
The Islamists blame Westerners for Western government policies – no matter how many of them come out and say ‘not in our name.’ For the Islamists, all Israelis are fair game; so is every single man, woman and child in America and so on and so forth. That’s why they target buses and discothèques. They too say that the people in the West elected those governments and therefore must be held accountable. In the world according to them, the people in America elected Bush so they deserved September 11; the people in Britain elected Blair so 7/7 was fair game.
And in the world according to the likes of Stephen Gash, the millions languishing under and resisting Sharia law deserve what they get no matter how many are killed, tortured, burnt, stoned and hung from city squares…
As an aside, that is also why Geert Wilders will never be invited to speak at our rallies; he represents that very way of thinking that scapegoats and blames millions for a regressive right wing political Islamic movement that was actually brought to centre stage by Western government policy during the Cold War.
Until tomorrow then
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